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This website provides information on telehealth rules. While we make every effort to provide updated information, the resources on this page should not be considered legal advice. To get started, click on the desired provider type. You will be directed to the provider landing page where you can then click on the desired service type followed by payor.

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Last Updated: July 31, 2023

General Information

CPT Overview

Helpful Resources

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Common Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are reported on claim forms to identify services provided. CPT codes are a uniform language for coding medical services and procedures. They are five-digits and can be numeric or alphanumeric depending on the category.

Category I: Codes have descriptors that correspond to a procedure services. These codes range from 00100-99499 and are generally ordered into sub-categories baed on procedure/service type and anatomy.

Category II: Alphanumeric tracking codes are supplemental codes used for performance measurement. Using them is optional and not required for correct coding.

Category III: Temporary alphanumeric codes for new and developing technology, procedures and services. They were created for data collection, assessment and in some instances, payment of new services and procedures that currently don't meet the criteria for a Category I code.

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Modifiers are two-character codes that are reported on claim forms to provide additional information about services ​provided. More than one modifier may be used with a single procedure code. Some examples of modifiers related to ​telehealth that may be in use by various health plan programs include:

  • G0: (zero): Used to identify telehealth services furnished for purposes of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of an ​acute stroke.
  • GQ: Only used for services part of a federal demonstration project rendered via asynchronous telehealth service in Alaksa or ​Hawaii.
  • GT: Distant site providers rendering telehealth through a Critical Access Hospital and billing under CAH Optional Method II.
  • GY: Notice of Liability Not Issued, Not Required Under Payer Policy. Used to report that an Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) ​was not issued because item or service is statutorily excluded or does not meet definition of any Medicare benefit. (Note: only to ​be used when the patient is not at an eligible originating site.)
  • FR: Supervising practitioner present through two-way, audio and video communication.
  • FQ: A telehealth service was furnished using real-time audio-only communication technology.
  • 93: Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications ​system.
  • 95: Synchronous telemedicine service rendered via real-time interactive audio and video telecommunications system.
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Hot Topics

Medicare ​Advantage

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may provide additional telehealth ​benefits to enrollees. If an MA plan provides a service as an additional ​telehealth benefit, then the MA plan must also provide access to the ​benefit through an in-person visit and not only as an additional telehealth ​benefit and an individual enrollee has the choice of whether they want to ​receive the service in-person or via telehealth. Any additional telehealth ​benefits are to be treated as if they were benefits under the original ​Medicare fee-for-service program option.

If an MA plan furnishes additional telehealth benefits then the plan must:

  • Furnish in person access to the specified Part B service(s) at the ​election of the enrollee
  • Advise each enrollee that the service(s) may be rendered in-person or ​through electronic exchange
  • Comply with provider selection and credentialing requirements as well ​as applicable State licensing requirements for the State where the ​enrollee is located and receiving the service
  • Make information about coverage of additional telehealth benefits ​available to CMS upon request.

See The Center for Connected Health Policy - Private Payor Requirements

Payment Parity

A health carrier may not exclude an ​otherwise covered health care ​service from coverage solely because ​the service is provided through ​telehealth rather than to face-to-face ​consultation or contact between a ​health care provider and a patient. A ​health carrier or health benefit plan ​may limit coverage for health care ​services that are provided through ​telehealth to health care providers ​that are in a network approved by ​the plan or the health carrier.

MO Revised Statutes Section ​376.1900


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare except physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Medicare does not formally require specific consent before a telehealth services. Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Consent Resources

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the practice tips listed above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents, discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, generally requires an interactive telecommunication system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-time communication between the distant site provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

Medicare uses the term telehealth as a word of art. There are ​some services that might be thought of as telehealth but are not ​in fact defined as telehealth services under Medicare such as ​CTBS. This means that some of the requirements (e.g. ​Geographic requirements) that normally apply to telehealth ​services under Medicare are not applicable. An example is ​communication technology based services (CTBS).

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Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face" and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, ​diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. ​Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED TV, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual ​telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via ​communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or ​telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. As ​asynchronous discussions, e-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications To be billable, these should generally be ​patient-initiated. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a ​telehealth visit under Medicare benefits. These are provided to established patients to be paid by Medicare.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient ​Monitoring

ata is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and related ​support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood ​oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring can ​involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

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The Health Resources and Services Administration has a Medicare Telehealth Payment Eligibility Analyzer tool that can be used to determine if a given address is eligible for Medicare telehealth originating site payment. Click here to use the analyzer.

Geographic Requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.


The following describe permanent exceptions to the geographic restrictions of Medicare telehealth

Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is eligible for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement (under Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility fee for the home is not allowed.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Medicare places geographic and site specific limitation on this. For more information on Geographic Requirements click here. Ordinarily, eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth ​claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during ​the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. As of January 1, 2024, CMS announced POS 10 will be reimbursed at the higher, non-facility rate of payment.

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Through December 31, 2023 for Medicare, practitioners can continue to report the place of service code that would have been reported had the service been furnished in-person. Click here for the announcement.

Reimbursement Rate

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Distant Site

General Information

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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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Eligible Practitioners

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The following providers are permanently ​eligible to act as distant site providers of ​telehealth under Medicare’s rules.

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Practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to ​furnish such service under state law. Additionally, ​practitioners must go through the credentialing and ​privileging process for the distantly located institution to ​be eligible to provide the service. FQHC providers who ​may render a service the FQHC bills as a telehealth ​service may include:

  • physician
  • nurse practitioner (NP)
  • physician assistant (PA)
  • certified nurse midwife (CNM)
  • clinical psychologist (CP)
  • clinical social worker (CSW)
  • certified diabetes self-management training/medical ​nutrition therapy (DSMT/MNT) provider.
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Reimbursement Rate

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The rate for HCPCS code ​G2025 is $95.27 for ​2024. Click here to see ​more information on ​Telehealth ​reimbursement policies ​and codes for FQHCs ​and RHCs.


To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts. Click any of the following compacts’ names to learn more.



Behavioral Health Information

To qualify as a FQHC mental health visit, the encounter must include a qualified mental health service, ​such as a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation or psychotherapy.

In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

Geographic Limits

Effective January 1, 2022, a mental health visit is a face-to-face encounter or an ​encounter furnished using interactive, real-time, audio and video ​telecommunications technology or audio-only interactions in cases where the ​patient is not capable of, or does not consent to, the use of video technology for ​the purposes of diagnosis, evaluation or treatment of a mental health disorder.

In person (without the use of telecommunications) visits are required for mental ​health telehealth services and mental health visits furnished by FQHCs begin on ​January 1, 2025:

  • within 6 months prior to the furnishing of the mental health service furnished ​via telecommunications
  • at least every 12 months while the beneficiary is receiving services furnished via ​telecommunications technology for diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of ​mental health disorders

Section 4113 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 delayed the in-person ​visit requirements under Medicare for Mental health visits that RHC's and FQHC's ​provide via telecommunications technology until January 1, 2025.

An annual in-person visit is not required if:

  • risks and burdens of an in-person visit may outweigh the benefit.
  • an in-person visit is likely to cause disruption in service delivery or has the ​potential to worsen the patient's condition
  • the patient getting services is in partial or full remission and only needs ​maintenance level care
  • in the clinician's professional judgment, the patient is clinically stable and an in-​person visit has the risk of worsening the patient's condition, creating undue ​hardship on self or family
  • the patient is at risk of withdrawing from care

Exception to In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

Although FQHC services are not subject to the Medicare deductible, the deductible must be applied when an FQHC bills for the telehealth originating site facility fee because this is not considered an FQHC service.

Geographic limits are waived for behavioral health services. Patients can be located in their home at the time an FQHC telehealth service is rendered.

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Billing Tip

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If a new patient is also receiving a mental health visit on the same day, the patient is considered “new” for only one of these visits, and FQHCs should use G0466 to bill for the medical visit and G0470 to bill for the mental health visit.


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 ​effective January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, ​POS 10 and 02 are used. But modifier 95 should be ​used for telehealth services, when the clinician is in ​the hospital and the patient is in the home, as well as ​for outpatient therapy services furnished via ​telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Additional Resources



Behavioral Health Information

Code Assignment

Medical, Mental Health Services on the Same Day

G0469 – FQHC visit, mental health, new patient A medically-necessary, face-to-​face (one-on-one) mental health encounter between a new patient and a qualified ​FQHC practitioner during which time one or more FQHC services are rendered and ​includes a typical bundle of services that would be furnished per diem to a ​Medicare beneficiary receiving a mental health visit.

G0470 – FQHC visit, mental health, established patient A medically-necessary, ​face-to-face (one-on-one) mental health encounter between an established patient ​and a qualified FQHC practitioner during which time one or more FQHC services ​are rendered and includes a typical bundle of services that would be furnished per ​diem to a Medicare beneficiary receiving a mental health visit. An established ​patient is one who has received any professional medical or mental health services ​from any practitioner within the FQHC organization or from any sites within the ​FQHC organization within three years prior to the date of service.

Services that Qualify as FQHC Mental Health Services

Medicare-covered mental health services furnished incident to an FQHC visit are included in the payment for a medically necessary mental health visit when an FQHC practitioner furnishes a mental health visit

If an established patient is receiving both a medical and mental health visit on the same day, the FQHC can bill for 2 visits and should use G0467 to bill for the medical visit and G0470 to bill for the mental health visit

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Billing Tip

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Group mental health services do not meet the criteria for a one-one-one, face-to-face encounter in an FQHC

Additional Resources

  • Medication management, or a psychotherapy “add on” service, is not a separately billable service in an FQHC and is included in the payment of an FQHC medical visit
  • FQHCs may bill the Telehealth originating site facility fee on a FQHC claim under revenue code 0780 and HCPCS code Q3014
  • Telehealth services are the only services billed on FQHC claims that are subject to the Part B deductible

Diagnosis Coding

Assign ICD-10-CM code(s) as appropriate based on the Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting.



Maternity Care Information

Remote Patient Monitoring

Code Assignment

Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be ​monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ​ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care may ​include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Although remote monitoring is not a face to face service, it does not ​fall under the Medicare telehealth benefit. Effective January 1, 2024, ​FQHCs and RHCs can begin billing for remote monitoring services ​separate from their PPS rate. To be paid by Medicare for remote ​monitoring there must be:

    • an established patient-physician relationship
    • documented consent

Although FQHC services are not subject to the Medicare deductible, the deductible must be applied when an FQHC bills for the telehealth originating site facility fee because this is not considered an FQHC service.

FQHCs report G0511 for remote patient monitoring that would otherwise meet criteria for RPM or RTM under CPT coding rules.

2024 Medicare payment for G0511 is $72.98

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

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Diagnosis codes are reported as applicable under ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting



Primary Care Information

Remote Patient Monitoring


Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be ​monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ​ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care may ​include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Although remote monitoring is not a face to face service, it does not ​fall under the Medicare telehealth benefit. Effective January 1, 2024, ​FQHCs and RHCs can begin billing for remote monitoring services ​separate from their PPS rate. To be paid by Medicare for remote ​monitoring there must be:

    • an established patient-physician relationship
    • documented consent

Although FQHC services are not subject to the Medicare deductible, the deductible must be applied when an FQHC bills for the telehealth originating site facility fee because this is not considered an FQHC service.

FQHCs report G0511 for remote patient monitoring that would otherwise meet criteria for RPM or RTM under CPT coding rules.

2024 Medicare payment for G0511 is $72.98

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Diagnosis codes are reported as ​applicable under ICD-10-CM Official ​Guidelines for Coding and Reporting



Other Service Information

Remote Patient Monitoring


Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care may include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Note that these services are a quasi-telehealth service. meaning Medicare telehealth requirements (e.g. geographic location) do not apply. However, Medicare may have other payment policies in place for the use of remote physiologic monitoring. These may include:

    • An established patient-physician relationship
    • Consent to receive remote physiologic monitoring services at the time services are furnished
    • Physician and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to furnish evaluation and management services may bill for remote physiologic monitoring services

Although FQHC services are not subject to the Medicare deductible, the deductible must be applied when an FQHC bills for the telehealth originating site facility fee because this is not considered an FQHC service.

Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

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Diagnosis codes are reported as applicable under ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting

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Tip: Services provided virtually while the provider and patient are in the same location - for instance, over a tablet from different rooms within a ​hospital - are not billed as telehealth.




General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Make post-visit documentation as thorough as possible. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There have been may temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers will be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.

The following HCPCS codes have been revised to reflect updates

in the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2023:



CY 2023 Payment Rate

Rural health clinic or federally qualified health center (RHC or FQHC) only, general care management, 20 minutes or more of clinical staff time for chronic care management services or behavioral health integration services directed by an RHC or FQHC practitioner (physician, NP, PA, or CNM), per calendar month



Rural health clinic or federally qualified health center (RHC or FQHC) only, psychiatric collaborative care model (psychiatric COCM), 60 minutes or more of clinical staff time for psychiatric cocm services directed by an RHC or FQHC practitioner (physician, NP, PA, or CNM) and including services furnished by a behavioral health care manager and consultation with a psychiatric consultant, per calendar month



Payment for communication technology-based services for 5 minutes or more of a virtual (non-face-to-face) communication between an rural health clinic (rhc) or federally qualified health center (fqhc) practitioner and rhc or fqhc patient, or 5 minutes or more of remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images by an rhc or fqhc practitioner, occurring in lieu of an office visit; rhc or fqhc only


$23.72 (1/1/23-5/11/23)

$13.22 (5/12/23-12/31/23)

Payment for a telehealth distant site service furnished by a rural health clinic (rhc) or federally qualified health center (fqhc) only



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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Missouri state law requires that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

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Before providing an initial telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document written informed consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the Telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the Telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the Telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the Telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the Telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination
  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best s listed above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy



Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. They describe the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. See RSMo 191.1145. MO HealthNet reimburses telehealth, telemedicine services as a Medicaid benefit when services can be delivered to the same standard of care as an in-person service, and MO HealthNet pays the same rate for telehealth as for in-person services.

Prior to the COVID-19 PHE, Missouri Medicaid did not allow telehealth in an audio-only format. Similarly, asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Covered telehealth did not include a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are provided, via telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered. During the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth services became allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.



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Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, ​audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital ​samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the ​simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be ​forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent ​transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.
Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of ​data related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed ​conditions and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication ​regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health ​care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites allowed by Missouri Medicaid include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of services otherwise described by codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), distant site telehealth providers delivering behavioral health services must report the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Originating Site Code

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Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.
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The originating site Facility ​Fee for HCPCS Q3014 is ​$27.59 for 2024. Click here to ​view the fee schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot be ​billed when the participant is ​receiving services at home.



Distant Site

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Eligible Practitioners

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service ​provided. Missouri Medicaid does not have a separate fee schedule for telehealth. Use the ​appropriate CPT code for the service along with the appropriate place of service code. The ​originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same ​date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants located in a ​residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or 61), must bill with ​the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The distant ​site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code and GT ​modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site services on the ​medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service 03 ​and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to provide ​telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via telemedicine for a ​whole school year.

Any licensed health care provider is authorized to ​provide telemedicine services if those services are ​within the scope of practice for which the health care ​provider is licensed and are provided with the same ​standard of care as services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services providers ​treating patients in Missouri must be fully licensed to ​practice in the state of Missouri and must be enrolled ​as a MOHealthNet provider prior to rendering ​services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This ​allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

Behavioral Health Info

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A)). To be reimbursed for telemedicine services, health care providers treating patients in this state via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is always required.




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)


FQHC providers must remove originating site charges ​and payments for telemedicine services from their year-​end cost reports. The telemedicine charges and costs, ​including the depreciation cost for equipment, are not ​allowed on the FQHC cost report.

FQHC providers must leave the Rendering Provider ID ​field (24j on CMS-1500) blank on their claims when billing ​the Q3014 originating site facility charge.

For distant site the telemedicine charges and costs, ​including the depreciation cost for equipment, are ​allowed on the FQHC cost report. The clinic must have ​medical records in their clinic for the person being seen to ​be able to report these charges on their cost report. If the ​person being seen is not one of the clinic’s patients, all ​costs will need to be removed from the cost report.

Prohibited Telemedicine Services

Medicaid does not cover the following services via telehealth:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal management/ detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet discontinued these two flexibilities.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ensure continuity of care when extenuating circumstances arise and prevent individuals from participating in services at the program or other predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-only services for an extenuating circumstance must be documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, there must be clinical justification and documentation in the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for individuals who do not consent to or do not have access to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the service was delivered, and must meet all other DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only services.

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here



Maternity Care Information

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Maternity Care

FQHC providers must remove originating site ​charges and payments for telemedicine services ​from their year-end cost reports. The ​telemedicine charges and costs, including the ​depreciation cost for equipment, are not ​allowed on the FQHC cost report.

FQHC providers must leave the Rendering ​Provider ID field (24j on CMS-1500) blank on ​their claims when billing the Q3014 originating ​site facility charge.

For distant site the telemedicine charges and ​costs, including the depreciation cost for ​equipment, are allowed on the FQHC cost ​report. The clinic must have medical records in ​their clinic for the person being seen to be able ​to report these charges on their cost report. If ​the person being seen is not one of the clinic’s ​patients, all costs will need to be removed from ​the cost report.

In Missouri, MO HealthNet provides coverage for qualifying pregnant women and newborns under a Managed Care Program. Click here for more information regarding MO HealthNet Managed Care Program generally.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through telemedicine.

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some telehealth requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet discontinued these two flexibilities.

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, ​99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Diabetes management


Maternity Services

A broad range of pregnancy related services can be offered through telemedicine. Below is a list of potential uses for telehealth.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Online Communication with Providers
  • Virtual prenatal care visits
  • At home monitoring: weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate. blood sugar, etc.
  • Consultation with specialists: maternal-fetal medicine, genetic counselors
  • Lactation support
  • Virtual postpartum visits



Primary Care Information

General Info

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet discontinued these two flexibilities.

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FQHC providers must remove originating site ​charges and payments for telemedicine ​services from their year-end cost reports. The ​telemedicine charges and costs, including the ​depreciation cost for equipment, are not ​allowed on the FQHC cost report.

FQHC providers must leave the Rendering ​Provider ID field (24j on CMS-1500) blank on ​their claims when billing the Q3014 originating ​site facility charge.

For distant site the telemedicine charges and ​costs, including the depreciation cost for ​equipment, are allowed on the FQHC cost ​report. The clinic must have medical records in ​their clinic for the person being seen to be able ​to report these charges on their cost report. If ​the person being seen is not one of the clinic’s ​patients, all costs will need to be removed from ​the cost report.

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care ​providers

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, ​90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit ​every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, ​97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Service Information

General Info

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet discontinued these two flexibilities.

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FQHC providers must remove originating site ​charges and payments for telemedicine ​services from their year-end cost reports. The ​telemedicine charges and costs, including the ​depreciation cost for equipment, are not ​allowed on the FQHC cost report.

FQHC providers must leave the Rendering ​Provider ID field (24j on CMS-1500) blank on ​their claims when billing the Q3014 originating ​site facility charge.

For distant site the telemedicine charges and ​costs, including the depreciation cost for ​equipment, are allowed on the FQHC cost ​report. The clinic must have medical records in ​their clinic for the person being seen to be able ​to report these charges on their cost report. If ​the person being seen is not one of the clinic’s ​patients, all costs will need to be removed from ​the cost report.

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care ​providers




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements Post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules - Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List - Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information - Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement - Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations - Missouri Secretary of State


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology ​means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be ​reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being ​present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in ​real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without ​video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but ​which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations ​and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include ​phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is ​provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using ​asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for ​telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse ​specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered ​dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill ​Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, ​CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer ​eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare except physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will ​remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and ​video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one ​location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to ​the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or ​temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and ​responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, ​diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as ​telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a ​specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to ​decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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Medicare does not formally require specific consent before a telehealth services. Missouri state law does require telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Doodle Light Bulb Outline
  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, generally requires an interactive telecommunication system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-time communication between the distant site provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

Medicare uses the term telehealth as a term of art to describe a specific defined set of benefits. There are some services that might be thought of as telehealth but are not in fact defined as telehealth services under Medicare. This means that some of the requirements (e.g. Geographic requirements) that normally apply to telehealth services under Medicare are not applicable. An example is communication technology based services (CTBS).

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Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face" and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, ​diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. ​Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED TV, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual ​telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online

Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via ​communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or ​telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Clean Flat Doctor Sharing Xray Result Online

Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. As ​asynchronous discussions, e-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications To be billable, these should generally be ​patient-initiated. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a ​telehealth visit under Medicare benefits. These are provided to established patients to be paid by Medicare.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient ​Monitoring

Data is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and ​related support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, ​blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring ​can involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

Geographic Requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • a county outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau);

  • a Rural Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) (as defined by Health Resources and Services Administration); or

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.

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The Health Resources and Services ​Administration has a Medicare ​Telehealth Payment Eligibility Analyzer ​tool that can be used to determine if a ​given address is eligible for Medicare ​telehealth originating site payment. ​Click here to use the analyzer.


Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of ​an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is eligible ​for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement (under ​Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder ​diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows ​the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical ​access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility ​fee for the home is not allowed.

Through December 31, 2024, Medicare will allow telehealth services to be provided regardless of where the patient is located, so ​long as the patient is located within the United States. Note, though, the distant site provider is subject to state law licensing ​requirements that typically require a license in the state where the patient is located at the time of service.

Post PHE



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Medicare places geographic and site specific limitation on this. For more information on Geographic Requirements click here. Eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

*Note that for 2024 CMS proposes to pay POS 10 at a non-facility rate, while POS 02 will return to payment at the lower facility rate.

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Through December 31, 2023, practitioners can continue to report the place of service code that would have been reported had the service been furnished in-person. See p. 63 here.

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Reimbursement Rate

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The Originating Site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​code Q3014 is $29.96 for ​2023. Click here for more ​information.



Distant Site

General Information

Eligible Practitioners

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Outside the current PHE flexibility extensions, practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to furnish such service under state law. Additionally, practitioners must go through the credentialing and privileging process for the distantly located institution to be eligible to provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist

A distant site under Medicare means a site where a physician or practitioner is located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications.

A physician or practitioner furnishing a telehealth service to an eligible telehealth individual will be paid an amount equal to the amount that such practitioner would have been paid had the service been furnished without the use of a telecommunications system.

Through December 31, 2024, community mental health centers are temporarily able to bill Medicare for qualifying telehealth services as a distant site provider. See here.

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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows ​providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

Services Covered via Telehealth


Telehealth CPT codes

Audio-Only ​Reimbursed

Aphasia and cognitive ​assessment

96105, 96125


Behavioral screening



Diagnostic evaluation

90791, 90792



90832, 90833, 90834, 90836, 90837, ​90838





Group psychotherapy



Family psychotherapy

90846, 90847


Psychological and ​neurobehavioral testing or ​status exam

96116, 96121, 96130, 96131, 96132, 96133, ​96136, 96137, 96138, 96139


Crisis intervention and ​interactive complexity

90839, 90840, 90785


Speech-language behavioral ​analysis



Psychological evaluation

96130, 96131


Neuropsychological evaluation

96132, 96133


Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161


Health behavior intervention, ​individual

96158, 96159


Health behavior intervention, ​group

96164, 96165


Health behavior intervention, ​family with patient

96167, 96168


Developmental screening and ​testing

96112, 96113


Adaptive behavior assessment

97151, 97152, 0362T


Therapeutic interventions

97129, 97130


Therapeutic interventions ​(group)



Smoking and tobacco use ​(counseling)

99406, 99407


Obesity counseling



Screening brief intervention ​and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, ​G0445, G0446


Opoid use disorder treatment

G2086, G0287, G2088


E/M Office Visit New Patient

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205


E/M Office Visit Established ​Patient

99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215


Additional Resources

Medicare patients will be able to receive services for behavioral health care in their homes in any part of the country because the geographic limitations are waived for behavioral health services. Some behavioral health services included are counseling, psychotherapy, and psychiatric evaluations. The U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services have a best practice guide for behavioral telehealth which can be found here.

The table labeled Covered Services contains codes for Medicare reimbursement for telebehavioral health. Although Medicare reimburses for audio and video telehealth services, reimbursement for audio-only telehealth services are only covered through December 31, 2024. Audio-only technology in situations when your patient can't access or doesn't consent to use audio-video technology.

Services Not Covered as Telehealth


Telehealth CPT codes

Developmental screening and testing


Health behavior intervention, family without patient

96170, 96171

Psychophysiological therapy



Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

There in-person visit requirements apply only to a patient getting mental health visits via telecommunications at home:

  • there must be an in-person mental health visit 6 months before the telecommunications visit
  • In general, there must be an in-person mental health visit at least every 12 months while the patient is getting services via telecommunications to diagnose, evaluate, r treat mental health disorders

Section 4113 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 delayed the in-person visit requirements under Medicare for Mental health visits that RHC's and FQHC's provide via telecommunications technology until January 1, 2025.


Medicare allows for limited exceptions for an in-person visit every 12 months based on patient circumstances where the risks and burdens of an in-person visit may outweigh the benefit. Such exception must be properly documented in the patient's medical record. Some examples of when risks and burdens may outweigh the benefit include but are not limited to, when:

  • an in-person visit is likely to cause disruption in service delivery or has the potential to worsen the patient's condition
  • the patient getting services is in partial or full remission and only needs maintenance level care
  • the clinician's professional judgment says that the patient is clinically stable and that an in-person visit has the risk of worsening the patient's condition, creating undue hardship on self or family
  • The patient is at risk of withdrawing from care that's been effective in managing the illness

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here



Primary Care Information


Audio-video visits: Use modifier 95 (Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered via Real-Time Interactive Audio and Video Telecommunication System).

Audio-only visits: use new service-level modifier FQ or 93

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

Additional Resources

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Annual wellness visit

G0438, G0439

Advanced Planning

99497, 99498

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446, G0447

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Opioid use disorder treatment

G2086, G2087, G2088

Alcohol and substance abuse assessment

G0396, G0397

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803, 97804, G0270


90785, 90791, 90792, 90832, 90833, 90834, 9036, 90837, 90838

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Renal Care: Individual and group kidney disease education

G0420, G0421

Renal Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Renal Care: Advanced care planning

99497, 99498

Renal Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Renal Care: Telehealth consultations, critical care

G0508, G0509

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626, G0424

Pulmonary Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Pulmonary Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Pulmonary Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356 99357

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004, 94005

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Cardiac Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Cardiac Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798, G0422, G0423

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97150, 97530, 97535, 97542, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761, G2061, G2062, G2063

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92508, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Dementia Care: Cognitive assessment and care plan services


E/M Office Visit New Patient

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205

E/M Office Visit Established Patient

99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point



Other Service Information

Covered Cancer Care


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Cancer care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Telephone evaluation and management service

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment

G0444, G0445, G0459

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161

Health behavior intervention

96158, 96159

Covered Emergency Care


Billing and telehealth codes

Emergency department

Evaluation and management: 99281, 99282, 99283, 99284, 99285

Critical care

First hour: 99291

Additional 30 min: 99292

Observation Services

Discharge: 99217

Initial: 99218, 99219, 99220

Subsequent: 99224, 99225, 99226

Observation / discharge on same day: 99234, 99235, 99236

Hospital discharge day management

less than 30 minutes: 99238

30 minutes or more: 99239

E-consults (interprofessional consults)

Verbal and written report: 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449

Written report only: 99451

Remote patient monitoring

99453, 99454 - 16 day minimum monitoring requirement waived during the PHE

99457, 99458, 99091

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Tip: Services provided virtually while the provider and patient are in the same location - for instance, over a tablet from different rooms within a hospital - are not billed as telehealth.


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 ​effective January 1, 2024 for most services. ​Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. But modifier 95 ​should be used for telehealth services, when the ​clinician is in the hospital and the patient is in the ​home, as well as for outpatient therapy services ​furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here




General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Make post-visit documentation as thorough as possible. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There have been may temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers wll be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible distant site providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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Doodle Light Bulb Outline
  • Explain to the patient what they can ​expect from a telehealth visit. This may ​include, for example, some of the inherent ​limits of a telehealth visit such as physical ​examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: ​wearing headphones or finding a place to ​be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. ​Consider asking at the beginning of the ​visit if the patient is at a good location to ​have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. ​Confirm with the patient they are okay ​with the observation and document both ​the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For ​example, patient couldn’t connect to video ​or didn’t want to use video.

Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

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Before providing an initial Telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document written informed consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the Telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the Telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the Telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the Telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the Telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. These types of services are defined as the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Prior to the PHR telephone telehealth was not allowed. Previously telehealth services required the use of a two (2)-way interactive video technology. Asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Telehealth was not a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are provided, via Telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered.” But during the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth services was allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.

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Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online
Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Services provided through telemedicine must meet the standard of care if those services were provided in person. Live video is not defined by the ​state of Missouri. However, Medicare defines live video as a two-way, face to face interaction between a patient and a provider using audiovisual ​communications technology.

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Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, audio, ​text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital samples that are ​forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the simultaneous presence of the ​participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be forwarded via ​telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent ​transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission ​(URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions and exhibit at ​least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication ​regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health ​care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the participant is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

Originating Site Code

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The Originating site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​Q3014 is $27.59 for 2024. ​Click here to view the fee ​schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot ​be billed when the ​participant is receiving ​services at home.



Distant Site

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the ​service provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with the ​appropriate place of service code. The originating site fee and distant site services can ​be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site ​is not located in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants ​located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or ​61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant ​is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The ​distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code ​and GT modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site ​services on the medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service ​03 and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to ​provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via ​telemedicine for a whole school year.

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Eligible Practitioners

Any licensed health care provider is authorized ​to provide telemedicine services if those ​services are within the scope of practice for ​which the health care provider is licensed and ​are provided with the same standard of care as ​services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services ​providers treating patients in Missouri must be ​fully licensed to practice in the state of Missouri ​and must be enrolled as a MO HealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This ​allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a ​registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual provider delivering services ​within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A). To be reimbursed for telemedicine ​services, health care providers treating patients in this state via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before ​payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized ​agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided ​through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through ​Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the Authority to Practice ​Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is ​always required.




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals

Prohibited Telemedicine servces

The following services are not to be delivered via ​telemedicine:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered ​Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal ​management/detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored ​Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion ​between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ​ensure continuity of care when extenuating ​circumstances arise and prevent individuals from ​participating in services at the program or other ​predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-​only services for an extenuating circumstance must be ​documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, ​there must be clinical justification and documentation in ​the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only ​services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for ​individuals who do not consent to or do not have access ​to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the ​use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented ​in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the ​service was delivered, and must meet all other ​DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program ​specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only ​services.



Primary Care Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO ​HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Services Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules - Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List - Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information - Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement - Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations - Missouri Secretary of State


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology ​means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be ​reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being ​present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in ​real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without ​video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but ​which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations ​and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include ​phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is ​provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using ​asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for ​telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse ​specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered ​dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill ​Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, ​CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer ​eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare except physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will ​remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and ​video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one ​location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to ​the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or ​temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and ​responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, ​diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as ​telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a ​specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to ​decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Medicare does not formally require specific consent before a telehealth services. Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Consent Resources

  • Informed Consent - from the National Policy Center - Center for Connected ​health Policy

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, generally requires an interactive telecommunication system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-time communication between the distant site provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

Medicare uses the term telehealth as a word of art. There are ​some services that might be thought of as telehealth but are not ​in fact defined as telehealth services under Medicare such as ​CTBS. This means that some of the requirements (e.g. ​Geographic requirements) that normally apply to telehealth ​services under Medicare are not applicable. An example is ​communication technology based services (CTBS).

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Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face" and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, ​diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. ​Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED TV, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual ​telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via ​communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or ​telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. As ​asynchronous discussions, e-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications To be billable, these should generally be ​patient-initiated. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a ​telehealth visit under Medicare benefits. These are provided to established patients to be paid by Medicare.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient ​Monitoring

ata is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and related ​support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood ​oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring can ​involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

Geographic Requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • a county outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau);

  • a Rural Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) (as defined by Health Resources and Services Administration); or

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.

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The Health Resources and Services ​Administration has a Medicare ​Telehealth Payment Eligibility ​Analyzer tool that can be used to ​determine if a given address is eligible ​for Medicare telehealth originating site ​payment. Click here to use the ​analyzer.


Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of ​an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is ​eligible for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement ​(under Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder ​diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows ​the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical ​access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility ​fee for the home is not allowed.

Through December 31, 2024, Medicare will allow telehealth services to be provided regardless of where the patient is located, so ​long as the patient is located within the United States. Note, though, the distant site provider is subject to state law licensing ​requirements that typically require a license in the state where the patient is located at the time of service.

Post PHE



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Medicare places geographic and site specific limitation on this. For more information on Geographic Requirements click here. Eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

*Note that for 2024 CMS proposes to pay POS 10 at a non-facility rate, while POS 02 will return to payment at the lower facility rate.

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Critical access hospitals ​were already eligible as ​originating site providers ​of telehealth for Medicare ​prior to the COVID-19 PHE. ​They were not eligible ​distant site billers of ​telehealth to Medicare ​prior to the PHE.

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Reimbursement Rate

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The Originating Site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​code Q3014 is $29.96 for ​2023. Click here for more ​information.



Distant Site

General Information

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A distant site under Medicare means a site where a physician or practitioner is located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications.

A physician or practitioner furnishing a telehealth service to an eligible telehealth individual will be paid an amount equal to the amount that such practitioner would have been paid had the service been furnished without the use of a telecommunications system.

Critical access hospitals were temporarily able to bill as distant site providers of telehealth services during the COVID-19 PHE. That flexibility was eliminated May 12, 2023 when the federal PHE ended. However, CAHs' professionals can still bill as eligible distant site providers.


To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have ​enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a ​license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related ​requirements.

Eligible Practitioners

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Practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to furnish such service under state law. Additionally, practitioners must go through the credentialing and privileging process for the distantly located institution to be eligible to provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist
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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Make post-visit documentation as thorough as possible. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There have been may temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers wll be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible distant site providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

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Before providing an initial Telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document written informed consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the Telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the Telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the Telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the Telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the Telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. These types of services are defined as the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Prior to the PHR telephone telehealth was not allowed. Previously telehealth services required the use of a two (2)-way interactive video technology. Asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Telehealth was not a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are provided, via Telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered.” But during the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth services was allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.

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Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online


Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Services provided through telemedicine must meet the standard of care if those services were provided in person. Live video is not defined ​by the state of Missouri. However, Medicare defines live video as a two-way, face to face interaction between a patient and a provider ​using audiovisual communications technology.

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Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, ​audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital ​samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the ​simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be ​forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent ​transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of ​data related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed ​conditions and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication ​regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health ​care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the participant is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

Originating Site Code

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The Originating site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​Q3014 is $27.59 for 2024. ​Click here to view the fee ​schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot ​be billed when the ​participant is receiving ​services at home.



Distant Site

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service ​provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with the appropriate ​place of service code. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by ​the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located ​in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants ​located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or ​61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant ​is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The ​distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code ​and GT modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site ​services on the medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service ​03 and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to ​provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via ​telemedicine for a whole school year.

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Eligible Practitioners

Any licensed health care provider is authorized ​to provide telemedicine services if those ​services are within the scope of practice for ​which the health care provider is licensed and ​are provided with the same standard of care as ​services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services ​providers treating patients in Missouri must be ​fully licensed to practice in the state of Missouri ​and must be enrolled as a MOHealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This ​allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis ​services rendered by a registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or ​any individual provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified ​organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A). To be reimbursed for telemedicine services, health care providers treating patients in this state ​via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services ​are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the ​MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review ​at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization ​review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the ​Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is ​always required.




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals

Prohibited Telemedicine servces

The following services are not to be delivered via ​telemedicine:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered ​Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal ​management/detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored ​Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion ​between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ​ensure continuity of care when extenuating ​circumstances arise and prevent individuals from ​participating in services at the program or other ​predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-​only services for an extenuating circumstance must be ​documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, ​there must be clinical justification and documentation in ​the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only ​services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for ​individuals who do not consent to or do not have access ​to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the ​use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented ​in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the ​service was delivered, and must meet all other ​DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program ​specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only ​services.



Maternity Care Information

Maternity Care

In Missouri, MOHealthNet provides coverage for qualifying pregnant women and newborns under a Managed Care Program. Click here for more ​information regarding MO HealthNet Managed Care Program.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, ​before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its ​authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service ​provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided ​through Telemedicine.

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PHE Flexibility Changes

Provider Manuals

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Diabetes management


Maternity Services

A broad range of pregnancy related services can be offered through telemedicine. Below is a list of potential uses for telehealth.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Online Communication with Providers
  • Virtual prenatal care visits
  • At home monitoring: weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate. blood sugar, etc.
  • Consultation with specialists: maternal-fetal medicine, genetic counselors
  • Lactation support
  • Virtual postpartum visits
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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers



Primary Care Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers

PHE Flexibility Changes

Warning Symbol Illustration

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May ​12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Services Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules - Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List - Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information - Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement - Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations - Missouri Secretary of State


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Private Payor


Select the desired service line


Behavioral Health

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Maternity Care

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Primary Care

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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare with the exception of physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Medicare does not formally require specific consent before telehealth services are rendered. Missouri state law does require telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Although consent is required before providing a telehealth service, Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session may include a signed document, or may be verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. If obtained verbally, consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination.

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, ​generally requires an interactive telecommunication ​system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-​time communication between the distant site ​provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

Medicare uses the term telehealth as a term of art to describe a specific and defined set of benefits and their related coverage criteria. There are some services that might be thought of as telehealth from a clinical perspective but are not in fact defined as telehealth services under Medicare. This means that some of the requirements (e.g. Geographic requirements) that normally apply to telehealth services under Medicare are not applicable to those services. Communication technology based services (CTBS) are an example.

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Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face", and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED Tv, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. E-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications. To be billable, these should generally be patient-initiated, and initiated by established (versus new) patients. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a telehealth visit under Medicare benefits.

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Remote Patient ​Monitoring

ata is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and related ​support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood ​oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring can ​involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

Geographic requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • a county outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau);

  • a Rural Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) (as defined by Health Resources and Services Administration); or

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.

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The Health Resources and Services ​Administration has a Medicare ​Telehealth Payment Eligibility ​Analyzer tool that can be used to ​determine if a given address is ​eligible for Medicare telehealth ​originating site payment. Click here ​to use the analyzer.


Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of ​an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is ​eligible for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement ​(under Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder ​diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows ​the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical ​access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility ​fee for the home is not allowed.

Through December 31, 2024, Medicare will allow telehealth services to be provided regardless of where the patient is located, so ​long as the patient is located within the United States. Note, though, the distant site provider is subject to state law licensing ​requirements that typically require a license in the state where the patient is located at the time of service.

Post PHE



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Medicare places geographic and site-specific limitation on this. For more information on Geographic requirements click here. Eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

*Note that for 2024 CMS proposes to pay POS 10 at a non-facility rate, while POS 02 will return to payment at the lower facility rate.

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Through December 31, 2023, practitioners can continue to report the place of service code that would have been reported had the service been furnished in-person. See p. 63 here.

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Reimbursement Rate

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The Originating Site Facility Fee for HCPCS code Q3014 is $29.96 for 2024. Click here for more information.



Distant Site

General Information

A distant site under Medicare means a site where a provider of telehealth is located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications technology.

A physician or practitioner furnishing a telehealth service to an eligible telehealth individual will be paid an amount equal to the amount that such practitioner would have been paid had the service been furnished without the use of a telecommunications system.

FQHCs and RHCs are temporarily added to the eligible list of who may serve as distant site providers through December 31, 2024. See Sect 4113 here. After December 31, 2024 FQHCs and RHCs will still be able to serve as a distant site provider for certain behavioral/mental telehealth services but not for other services.

Effective January 1, 2024, RHCs can now be separately reimbursed for remote physiologic monitoring services using care management service codes.

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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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Eligible Practitioners

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Practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to furnish such service under state law. Additionally, practitioners must go through the credentialing and privileging process for the distant site to be eligible to provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist
  • physical, occupational, and speech therapists through December 31, 2024
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Reimbursement Rate

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The rate for HCPCS code ​G2025 is $95.27 for 2024. ​Click here to see more ​information on Telehealth ​reimbursement policies ​and codes for FQHCs and ​RHCs.


To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts (click each for more information):

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

Medicare patients will be able to receive services for behavioral health care in their homes ​in any part of the country because the geographic limitations are waived for behavioral ​health services. Some behavioral health services included are counseling, psychotherapy, ​and psychiatric evaluations. The U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services have a ​best practice guide for behavioral telehealth which can be found here.

The table labeled Covered Services contains codes for Medicare reimbursement for ​telebehavioral health. Although Medicare reimburses for audio and video telehealth ​services, reimbursement for audio-only telehealth services are only covered through ​December 31, 2024. Audio-only technology in situations when your patient can't access or ​doesn't consent to use audio-video technology.


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 ​effective January 1, 2024 for most services. ​Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. But modifier ​95 should be used for telehealth services, ​when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient ​therapy services furnished via telehealth by ​PT, OT, or SLP

In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

Requirements to have an in-person visit before a mental/behavioral health telehealth visit only apply to a patient getting mental health visits via ​telecommunications at home and in the absence of co-occurring substance use disorder. In these circumstances only:

  • there must be an in-person mental health visit 6 months before the telecommunications visit
  • In general, there must be an in-person mental health visit at least every 12 months while the patient is getting services via telecommunications to ​diagnose, evaluate, or treat mental health disorders

Section 4113 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 delayed the in-person visit requirements under Medicare for Mental health visits that RHC's ​and FQHC's provide via telecommunications technology until January 1, 2025.


Medicare allows for limited exceptions for an in-person visit every 12 months based on patient circumstances where the risks and burdens of an in-​person visit may outweigh the benefit. Such exception must be properly documented in the patient's medical record. Some examples of when risks and ​burdens may outweigh the benefit include but are not limited to, when:

  • an in-person visit is likely to cause disruption in service delivery or has the potential to worsen the patient's condition
  • the patient getting services is in partial or full remission and only needs maintenance level care
  • the clinician's professional judgment says that the patient is clinically stable and that an in-person visit has the risk of worsening the patient's ​condition, creating undue hardship on self or family
  • The patient is at risk of withdrawing from care that's been effective in managing the illness

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Billing Tip

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Diagnosis codes are reported as ​applicable under ICD-10-CM Official ​Guidelines for Coding and Reporting

Additional Resources



Maternity Care Information

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be ​monitored without having to come into the office for multiple ​check ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care ​may include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Note that these services are a quasi-telehealth service. meaning ​Medicare telehealth requirements (e.g. geographic location) do ​not apply. However, Medicare may have other payment policies ​in place for the use of remote physiologic monitoring. These may ​include:

    • An established patient-physician relationship
    • Consent to receive remote physiologic monitoring ​services at the time services are furnished
    • Physician and non-physician practitioners who are eligible ​to furnish evaluation and management services may bill ​for remote physiologic monitoring services


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Diagnosis codes are reported as ​applicable under ICD-10-CM Official ​Guidelines for Coding and Reporting



Primary Care Information

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Billing Tip

Additional Resources


Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Diagnosis codes are reported as ​applicable under ICD-10-CM Official ​Guidelines for Coding and Reporting

Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS ​2024 effective January 1, 2024 for most ​services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. ​But modifier 95 should be used for ​telehealth services, when the clinician is in ​the hospital and the patient is in the home, ​as well as for outpatient therapy services ​furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ups. ​Some remote monitoring devices for care may include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Although remote monitoring is not a face to face service, it does not fall under the Medicare telehealth benefit. Effective January 1, 2024, ​FQHCs and RHCs can begin billing for remote monitoring services separate from their PPS rate. To be paid by Medicare for remote ​monitoring there must be:

    • an established patient-physician relationship
    • documented consent



Other Services Information

Remote Patient Monitoring


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective January 1, ​2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. But ​modifier 95 should be used for telehealth services, when the ​clinician is in the hospital and the patient is in the home, as well as ​for outpatient therapy services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, ​or SLP

Additional Resources

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Billing Tip

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Diagnosis codes are reported as ​applicable under ICD-10-CM Official ​Guidelines for Coding and Reporting

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Tip: Services provided virtually while the provider and patient are in the same location - ​for instance, over a tablet from different rooms within a hospital - are not billed as ​telehealth.




General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There were many temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers will be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.

The following HCPCS codes have been revised to reflect updates in the consolidated appropriations Act (CAA), 2023:



CY 2023 Payment Rate

Rural health clinic or federally qualified health center (RHC or FQHC) only, general care management, 20 minutes or more of clinical staff time for chronic care management services or behavioral health integration services directed by an RHC or FQHC practitioner (physician, NP, PA, or CNM), per calendar month



Rural health clinic or federally qualified health center (RHC or FQHC) only, psychiatric collaborative care model (psychiatric COCM), 60 minutes or more of clinical staff time for psychiatric cocm services directed by an RHC or FQHC practitioner (physician, NP, PA, or CNM) and including services furnished by a behavioral health care manager and consultation with a psychiatric consultant, per calendar month



Payment for communication technology-based services for 5 minutes or more of a virtual (non-face-to-face) communication between an rural health clinic (rhc) or federally qualified health center (fqhc) practitioner and rhc or fqhc patient, or 5 minutes or more of remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images by an rhc or fqhc practitioner, occurring in lieu of an office visit; rhc or fqhc only


$23.72 (1/1/23-5/11/23)

$13.22 (5/12/23-12/31/23)

Payment for a telehealth distant site service furnished by a rural health clinic (rhc) or federally qualified health center (fqhc) only




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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) Technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant Site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Missouri state law requires that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

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Before providing an initial Telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.


Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best s listed above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. These types of services are defined as the delivery of health care ​services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, ​care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the ​distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine ​when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Prior to the PHE, audio-only telehealth was not allowed. Previously, telehealth services for Missouri Medicaid required the use of a two (2)-way ​interactive video technology. Asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Telehealth ​was defined to exclude a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation ​between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are ​provided, via telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered. But during the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth ​services was allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for ​telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MOHealthNet did not ​require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue unless and until terminated.

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Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online
Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Services provided through telemedicine must meet the standard of care if those services were provided in person. Live video is not defined by the state of Missouri. However, Medicare defines live video as a two-way, face to face interaction between a patient and a provider using audiovisual communications technology.

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Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the participant is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

Originating Site Code

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The Originating site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​Q3014 is $27.59 for 2024. ​Click here to view the fee ​schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot ​be billed when the ​participant is receiving ​services at home.



Distant Site

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service ​provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with the appropriate ​place of service code. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by ​the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located ​in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants ​located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or ​61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant ​is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The ​distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code ​and GT modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site ​services on the medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service ​03 and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to ​provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via ​telemedicine for a whole school year.

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Eligible Practitioners

Any licensed health care provider is authorized to provide telemedicine services if those services are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services providers treating patients in Missouri must be fully licensed to practice in the state of Missouri and must be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts (click for more information):

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

Behavioral Health Info

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by ​law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a registered behavior ​technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist ​or any individual provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health ​(DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A). To be ​reimbursed for telemedicine services, health care providers treating patients in this state ​via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO ​HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program ​compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is ​made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-​certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which ​a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the ​payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not ​provided through Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state ​may render telemedicine services under the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional ​Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

RHC Info

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC number to ​receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the ​Telehealth services when operating as the ​originating site.

RHC's may bill with either their non-RHC ​provider number or their RHC provider number.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is ​always required.




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Prohibited Telemedicine servces

The following services are not to be delivered via ​telemedicine:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered ​Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal ​management/detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored ​Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion ​between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ​ensure continuity of care when extenuating ​circumstances arise and prevent individuals from ​participating in services at the program or other ​predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-​only services for an extenuating circumstance must be ​documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, ​there must be clinical justification and documentation in ​the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only ​services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for ​individuals who do not consent to or do not have access ​to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the ​use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented ​in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the ​service was delivered, and must meet all other ​DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program ​specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only ​services.



Maternity Care Information

In Missouri, MO HealthNet provides coverage for qualifying pregnant women and newborns under a Managed Care Program. Click here for more information regarding MO HealthNet Managed Care Program.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

RHC Info

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC number to ​receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the ​Telehealth services when operating as the ​originating site.

RHC's may bill with either their non-RHC ​provider number or their RHC provider number.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Diabetes management


Maternity Services

A broad range of pregnancy related services can be offered through telemedicine. Below is a list of potential uses for telehealth.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Online Communication with Providers
  • Virtual prenatal care visits
  • At home monitoring: weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate. blood sugar, etc.
  • Consultation with specialists: maternal-fetal medicine, genetic counselors
  • Lactation support
  • Virtual postpartum visits



Primary Care Information

RHC Info

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program ​compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment ​is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-​certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for ​which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any ​point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to ​the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the ​service when not provided through Telemedicine.

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC number to ​receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the ​Telehealth services when operating as the ​originating site.

RHC's may bill with either their non-RHC ​provider number or their RHC provider number.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Services Information

RHC Info

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program ​compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before payment ​is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-​certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. Services for ​which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any ​point in the payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to ​the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the ​service when not provided through Telemedicine.

RHCs must bill with their non-RHC number to ​receive reimbursement for a facility fee for the ​Telehealth services when operating as the ​originating site.

RHC's may bill with either their non-RHC ​provider number or their RHC provider number.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Provider Manuals

Click the links below for more information:

For other manuals please click here




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements Post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

RHCS bill with GT modifier for distant site services billed on the UB04 claim form:

  • PBRHC/UB04: Rev code + CPT + GT + billed charge
  • IRHC/UB04: Rev code + T1015 +GT

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations Missouri Secretary of State


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology ​means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be ​reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being ​present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in ​real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without ​video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but ​which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations ​and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include ​phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is ​provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using ​asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for ​telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse ​specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered ​dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill ​Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, ​CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer ​eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare except physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will ​remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and ​video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one ​location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to ​the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or ​temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and ​responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, ​diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as ​telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a ​specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to ​decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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Medicare does not formally require specific consent before a telehealth services. Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Doodle Light Bulb Outline
  • Explain to the patient what they can expect ​from a telehealth visit. This may include, for ​example, some of the inherent limits of a ​telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: ​wearing headphones or finding a place to be ​alone during the visit to ensure privacy. ​Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if ​the patient is at a good location to have the ​session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm ​with the patient they are okay with the ​observation and document both the consent ​and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For ​example, patient couldn’t connect to video or ​didn’t want to use video.

Consent Resources

  • Informed Consent - from the National Policy Center - Center for Connected health ​Policy

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, generally requires an interactive telecommunication system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-time communication between the distant site provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

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Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face" and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, ​diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. ​Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED TV, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual ​telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online

Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via ​communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or ​telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Clean Flat Doctor Sharing Xray Result Online

Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. As ​asynchronous discussions, e-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications To be billable, these should generally be ​patient-initiated. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a ​telehealth visit under Medicare benefits. These are provided to established patients to be paid by Medicare.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient ​Monitoring

ata is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and related ​support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood ​oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring can ​involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

Geographic Requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • a county outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau);

  • a Rural Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) (as defined by Health Resources and Services Administration); or

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.

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The Health Resources and Services ​Administration has a Medicare ​Telehealth Payment Eligibility ​Analyzer tool that can be used to ​determine if a given address is ​eligible for Medicare telehealth ​originating site payment. Click here ​to use the analyzer.


Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of ​an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is ​eligible for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement ​(under Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder ​diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows ​the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical ​access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility ​fee for the home is not allowed.

Through December 31, 2024, Medicare will allow telehealth services to be provided regardless of where the patient is located, so ​long as the patient is located within the United States. Note, though, the distant site provider is subject to state law licensing ​requirements that typically require a license in the state where the patient is located at the time of service.

Post PHE



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. ​Medicare places geographic and site specific limitation on this. For more information on ​Geographic Requirements click here. Eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including ​satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

*Note that for 2024 CMS proposes to pay POS 10 at a non-facility rate, while POS 02 will return to payment at the lower facility rate.

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Reimbursement Rate

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The Originating Site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​code Q3014 is $29.96 for ​2024. Click here for more ​information.



Distant Site

General Information

A distant site under Medicare means a site where a physician or practitioner is located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications.

A physician or practitioner furnishing a telehealth service to an eligible telehealth individual will be paid an amount equal to the amount that such practitioner would have been paid had the service been furnished without the use of a telecommunications system.

Through December 31, 2024, community mental health centers are temporarily able to bill Medicare for qualifying telehealth services as a distant site provider. See here.

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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have ​enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a ​license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other ​related requirements.

Eligible Practitioners

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Outside the current PHE flexibility extensions, practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to furnish such service under state law. Additionally, practitioners must go through the credentialing and privileging process for the distantly located institution to be eligible to provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist



Behavioral Health Information

Medicare patients will be able to receive services for behavioral health care in their homes in any part of the country because the geographic limitations are waived for behavioral health services. Some behavioral health services included are counseling, psychotherapy, and psychiatric evaluations. The U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services have a best practice guide for behavioral telehealth which can be found here.

The table labeled Covered Services contains codes for Medicare reimbursement for telebehavioral health. Although Medicare reimburses for audio and video telehealth services, reimbursement for audio-only telehealth services are only covered through December 31, 2024. Audio-only technology in situations when your patient can't access or doesn't consent to use audio-video technology.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT codes

Audio-Only Reimbursed

Aphasia and cognitive assessment

96105, 96125


Behavioral screening



Diagnostic evaluation

90791, 90792



90832, 90833, 90834, 90836, 90837, 90838





Group psychotherapy



Family psychotherapy

90846, 90847


Psychological and neurobehavioral testing or status exam

96116, 96121, 96130, 96131, 96132, 96133, 96136, 96137, 96138, 96139


Crisis intervention and interactive complexity

90839, 90840, 90785


Speech-language behavioral analysis



Psychological evaluation

96130, 96131


Neuropsychological evaluation

96132, 96133


Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161


Health behavior intervention, individual

96158, 96159


Health behavior intervention, group

96164, 96165


Health behavior intervention, family with patient

96167, 96168


Developmental screening and testing

96112, 96113


Adaptive behavior assessment

97151, 97152, 0362T


Therapeutic interventions

97129, 97130


Therapeutic interventions (group)



Smoking and tobacco use (counseling)

99406, 99407


Obesity counseling



Screening brief intervention and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446


Opoid use disorder treatment

G2086, G0287, G2088


NON-Covered Services


Telehealth CPT codes

Developmental screening and testing


Health behavior intervention, family without patient

96170, 96171

Psychophysiological therapy



Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

There in-person visit requirements apply only to a patient getting mental health visits via telecommunications at home:

  • there must be an in-person mental health visit 6 months before the telecommunications visit
  • In general, there must be an in-person mental health visit at least every 12 months while the patient is getting services via telecommunications to diagnose, evaluate, r treat mental health disorders

Section 4113 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 delayed the in-person visit requirements under Medicare for Mental health visits that RHC's and FQHC's provide via telecommunications technology until January 1, 2025.


Medicare allows for limited exceptions for an in-person visit every 12 months based on patient circumstances where the risks and burdens of an in-person visit may outweigh the benefit. Such exception must be properly documented in the patient's medical record. Some examples of when risks and burdens may outweigh the benefit include but are not limited to, when:

  • an in-person visit is likely to cause disruption in service delivery or has the potential to worsen the patient's condition
  • the patient getting services is in partial or full remission and only needs maintenance level care
  • the clinician's professional judgment says that the patient is clinically stable and that an in-person visit has the risk of worsening the patient's condition, creating undue hardship on self or family
  • The patient is at risk of withdrawing from care that's been effective in managing the illness

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

. Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

Additional Resources



Maternity Care Information

Covered Services



Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99433

Diabetes management


Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point

Additional Resources

Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care may include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Note that these services are a quasi-telehealth service. meaning Medicare telehealth requirements (e.g. geographic location) do not apply. However, Medicare may have other payment policies in place for the use of remote physiologic monitoring. These may include:

    • An established patient-physician relationship
    • Consent to receive remote physiologic monitoring services at the time services are furnished
    • Physician and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to furnish evaluation and management services may bill for remote physiologic monitoring services
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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here



Primary Care Information


Audio-video visits: Use modifier 95 ​(Synchronous Telemedicine Service ​Rendered via Real-Time Interactive ​Audio and Video Telecommunication ​System).

Audio-only visits: use new service-​level modifier FQ or 93

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

Covered Services

Additional Resources


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Annual wellness visit

G0438, G0439

Advanced Planning

99497, 99498

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446, G0447

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Opioid use disorder treatment

G2086, G2087, G2088

Alcohol and substance abuse assessment

G0396, G0397

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803, 97804, G0270


90785, 90791, 90792, 90832, 90833, 90834, 9036, 90837, 90838

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Renal Care: Individual and group kidney disease education

G0420, G0421

Renal Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Renal Care: Advanced care planning

99497, 99498

Renal Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Renal Care: Telehealth consultations, critical care

G0508, G0509

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626, G0424

Pulmonary Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Pulmonary Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Pulmonary Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356 99357

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004, 94005

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Cardiac Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Cardiac Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798, G0422, G0423

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97150, 97530, 97535, 97542, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761, G2061, G2062, G2063

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92508, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Dementia Care: Cognitive assessment and care plan services


*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point



Other Services Information

Covered Cancer Care


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Cancer care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Telephone evaluation and management service

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment

G0444, G0445, G0459

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161

Health behavior intervention

96158, 96159

Covered Emergency Care


Billing and telehealth codes

Emergency department

Evaluation and management: 99281, 99282, 99283, 99284, 99285

Critical care

First hour: 99291

Additional 30 min: 99292

Observation Services

Discharge: 99217

Initial: 99218, 99219, 99220

Subsequent: 99224, 99225, 99226

Observation / discharge on same day: 99234, 99235, 99236

Hospital discharge day management

less than 30 minutes: 99238

30 minutes or more: 99239

E-consults (interprofessional consults)

Verbal and written report: 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449

Written report only: 99451

Remote patient monitoring

99453, 99454 - 16 day minimum monitoring requirement waived during the PHE

99457, 99458, 99091

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Tip: Services provided virtually while the provider and patient are in the same location - for ​instance, over a tablet from different rooms within a hospital - are not billed as telehealth.

Covered HIV Care


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 ​effective January 1, 2024 for most services. ​Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. But modifier ​95 should be used for telehealth services, when ​the clinician is in the hospital and the patient is ​in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or ​SLP

Additional Resources

Covered Physical Therapy


Telehealth-eligible CPT codes

Physical therapy evaluations

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164

Therapy procedure using exercise


Neuromuscular reeducation


Therapeutic procedures


Therapeutic activities


Self-care/home management training


Wheelchair management


Functional capacity evaluation


Assistive technology assessment


Orthotic training


Orthotic, prosthetic training



Telehealth CPT and HCPCs Codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point




General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Make post-visit documentation as thorough as possible. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There have been may temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers wll be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) Technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant Site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Missouri state law requires that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

information gradient icon

Before providing an initial Telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document written informed consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the Telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the Telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the Telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the Telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the Telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best s listed above consider ​doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy



Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. These types of services are defined as the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Prior to the PHR telephone telehealth was not allowed. Previously telehealth services required the use of a two (2)-way interactive video technology. Asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Telehealth was not a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are provided, via Telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered.” But during the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth services was allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.

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Services provided through telemedicine must meet the standard of care if those services were provided in person. Live video is not defined ​by the state of Missouri. However, Medicare defines live video as a two-way, face to face interaction between a patient and a provider ​using audiovisual communications technology.

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Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, ​audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital ​samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the ​simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be ​forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent ​transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.
Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of ​data related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed ​conditions and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication ​regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health ​care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the participant is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

Originating Site Code

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The Originating site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​Q3014 is $27.59 for 2024. ​Click here to view the fee ​schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot ​be billed when the ​participant is receiving ​services at home.



Distant Site

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service ​provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with the appropriate ​place of service code. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by ​the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located ​in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants ​located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or ​61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant ​is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The ​distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code ​and GT modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site ​services on the medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service ​03 and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to ​provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via ​telemedicine for a whole school year.

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Eligible Practitioners

Any licensed health care provider is authorized ​to provide telemedicine services if those ​services are within the scope of practice for ​which the health care provider is licensed and ​are provided with the same standard of care as ​services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services ​providers treating patients in Missouri must be ​fully licensed to practice in the state of Missouri ​and must be enrolled as a MOHealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This ​allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services rendered by a ​registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual provider delivering services ​within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)(A). To be reimbursed for telemedicine ​services, health care providers treating patients in this state via telemedicine must be fully licensed to practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before ​payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized ​agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service provided ​through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided through ​Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the Authority to Practice ​Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is always required.




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals

Prohibited Telemedicine servces

The following services are not to be delivered via ​telemedicine:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered ​Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal ​management/detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored ​Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion ​between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ​ensure continuity of care when extenuating ​circumstances arise and prevent individuals from ​participating in services at the program or other ​predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-​only services for an extenuating circumstance must be ​documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, ​there must be clinical justification and documentation in ​the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only ​services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for ​individuals who do not consent to or do not have access ​to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the ​use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented ​in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the ​service was delivered, and must meet all other ​DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program ​specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only ​services.



Maternity Care Information

Maternity Care

In Missouri, MOHealthNet provides coverage for qualifying pregnant women and newborns under a Managed Care Program. Click here for more ​information regarding MO HealthNet Managed Care Program.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, ​before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its ​authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service ​provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided ​through Telemedicine.

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PHE Flexibility Changes

Provider Manuals

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Diabetes management


Maternity Services

A broad range of pregnancy related services can be offered through telemedicine. Below is a list of potential uses for telehealth.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Online Communication with Providers
  • Virtual prenatal care visits
  • At home monitoring: weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate. blood sugar, etc.
  • Consultation with specialists: maternal-fetal medicine, genetic counselors
  • Lactation support
  • Virtual postpartum visits

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers



Primary Care Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 ​MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Services Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program ​compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, before ​payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can ​require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its authorized agents. ​Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization ​review at any point in the payment process. A service provided through ​Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review ​requirements which exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
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PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 ​MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

RHCS bill with GT modifier for distant site services billed on the UB04 claim form:

  • PBRHC/UB04: Rev code + CPT + GT + billed charge
  • IRHC/UB04: Rev code + T1015 +GT

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules - Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List - Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information - Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement - Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations - Missouri Secretary of State


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Primary Care

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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technology: Also called “store and forward” technology, asynchronous technology ​means the transmission of a patient's medical information to a physician or practitioner located at a distant site to be ​reviewed at a later time. The physician or practitioner at the distant site reviews the case without the patient being ​present. Store and forward substitutes for an interactive encounter with the patient present; the patient is not present in ​real-time.

  • Audio-only visits: Use of telephone or other audio technologies for synchronous, two-way, real-time services without ​video.

  • Communication technology-based services (CTBS): Services furnished remotely using communications technology, but ​which are not considered Medicare telehealth services. Because they do not fall under the telehealth benefit, the limitations ​and restrictions applicable to telehealth under Medicare’s rules do not apply. Services Medicare covers as CTBS include ​phone assessments, remote evaluation of videos/images, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

  • Distant site: The site at which the healthcare professional delivering the service is located at the time the service is ​provided via a telecommunications system.

  • E-visits: A non- face to face patient-initiated communication between a patient and their provider, generally using ​asynchronous technology such as an online patient portal.

  • Eligible distant site provider: A specified list of health care professionals or entities which can provide and be paid for ​telehealth services under Medicare: physicians; nurse practitioners; physician assistants; nurse midwives; clinical nurse ​specialists; certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical psychologists and clinical social workers; and registered ​dietitians or nutrition professionals. Note: Flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE allowed any professional eligible to bill ​Medicare as an eligible distant site professional including critical access hospitals. When the PHE ended May 12, 2023, ​CAHs and any professional not permitted to act as an eligible distant site provider prior to the PHE were no longer ​eligible to be paid for telehealth by Medicare except physical, occupational and speech therapy professionals who will ​remain eligible distant site providers until December 31, 2024.

  • Interactive telecommunication system: Multimedia communications equipment that includes, at a minimum, audio and ​video equipment permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and distant site provider.

  • Originating site: The location of an eligible Medicare beneficiary at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system occurs.

  • Remote patient monitoring: Non- face to face use of digital technologies to collect health data from patients in one ​location and transmit that information securely to providers in a different location. Remote physiologic monitoring refers to ​the electronic transmission of objective, physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, or ​temperature. Remote therapeutic monitoring involves monitoring subjective data related to signs, symptoms, and ​responses to treatment.

  • Telehealth service: The use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, ​diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Telehealth is sometimes referred to as ​telemedicine. The word 'telehealth' is a term of art under the Medicare program. It is a specific service benefit with a ​specific set of rules prerequisite to coverage and payment.

  • Virtual check-In: a brief (5-10 minute) check-in with a provider via telephone or other telecommunications device to ​decide whether an office visit or other service is needed.

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Consent Requirements

Medicare does not formally require specific consent before a telehealth services. Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. As with the federal Department of Health and Human Services, obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Consent Resources

  • Informed Consent - from the National Policy Center - Center for Connected ​health Policy

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.
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Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy
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Mode of Delivery


True telehealth, as Medicare defines the benefit, generally requires an interactive telecommunication system must be used for telehealth, permitting real-time communication between the distant site provider and the Medicare beneficiary.

Medicare uses the term telehealth as a word of art. There are ​some services that might be thought of as telehealth but are not ​in fact defined as telehealth services under Medicare such as ​CTBS. This means that some of the requirements (e.g. ​Geographic requirements) that normally apply to telehealth ​services under Medicare are not applicable. An example is ​communication technology based services (CTBS).

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Live-Video Interactive ​Telecommunication

Often also referred to as "face to face" and usually substituting for an in-person encounter. Live video can be used for consultative, ​diagnostic, and treatment services. Video devices can include video conferencing units, peripheral cameras, videoscopes, or web cameras. ​Display devices include computer monitors, plasma/LED TV, LCD projectors, and tablet computers. Live, two-way audio visual ​telecommunication technology is the default required mode of delivery for Medicare telehealth services unless exceptions apply.

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Virtual Check-Ins

Virtual check-ins or brief communication technology-based services are a brief, non- face to face check-in with an established patient via ​communication technology to assess whether or not an office visit or other service is necessary. This could take place via live video or ​telephone call. This service is only available to practitioners who furnish E/M services, and could take place via live video or telephone call.

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Remote Evaluation

Patients may create a pre-recorded photo or video to submit to a provider for review. The professional may asynchronously review these ​photos or videos to determine if a face to face or in-person evaluation is needed.

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E-visits are asynchronous, generally back and forth messages like patient portal messages so a clinical decision can be made. As ​asynchronous discussions, e-visit services typically span up to seven (7) days of communications To be billable, these should generally be ​patient-initiated. Because they are asynchronous and not live, two-way communications, these do not fall under the formal definition of a ​telehealth visit under Medicare benefits. These are provided to established patients to be paid by Medicare.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient ​Monitoring

ata is collected from an individual in one location and is digitally transmitted to a provider in a different location for use in care and related ​support. Monitoring programs can collect a wide range of health data such as vital signs, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood ​oxygen levels, heart rate, and electrocardiograms or patient-reported subjective data like responses to therapy. Remote monitoring can ​involve providing a patient with equipment like digital pulse oximeters that can automatically transmits physiologic parameters to a ​provider (remote physiologic monitoring, or RPM), or can involve the digital transmission of patient-input data into an application or device ​(remote therapeutic monitoring, or RTM). The scope of remote monitoring can include educating the patient on the setup of the device. ​Providers and their clinical care teams monitor the data received from the patient and help ensure compliance with the plan of care for the ​conditions being monitored and to help work towards treatment goals. Monitoring of this information occurs between other in-person or ​other face to face visits with the patients.

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Geographic Requirements

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Eligibility Analyzer

Geographic Requirements for Medicare telehealth services are waived through December 31, 2024. Medicare historically has treated telehealth almost exclusively as a tool for rural areas, and narrowly restricted the geographic areas eligible for use of telehealth. Under the Medicare policy, the beneficiary must be located in:

  • a county outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau);

  • a Rural Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) (as defined by Health Resources and Services Administration); or

  • from an entity that participates in a Federal telemedicine demonstration project that had been approved by (or receives funding from) the Secretary of Health and Human Services as of December 31, 2000.

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The Health Resources and Services ​Administration has a Medicare ​Telehealth Payment Eligibility ​Analyzer tool that can be used to ​determine if a given address is ​eligible for Medicare telehealth ​originating site payment. Click here ​to use the analyzer.


Acute Stroke

Geographic limitations do no apply to services furnished for the purpose of diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of ​an acute stroke. For the treatment of acute stroke, a mobile stroke unit along with any currently eligible originating site, is ​eligible for telehealth reimbursement. However, originating sites that would not otherwise qualify for telehealth reimbursement ​(under Medicare’s geographic and originating site requirements) would not be eligible for the facility fee.


Geographic limitations do not apply to services furnished to an eligible telehealth individual with a substance use disorder ​diagnosis and services are furnished for purposes of treating such disorder or co-occurring mental health disorder. Also allows ​the home to be an eligible originating site but does not allow for a facility fee for the home.


Geographic limitations do not apply for purposes of home dialysis monthly ESRD-related visit, at a hospital-based or critical ​access hospital-based renal dialysis center, a renal dialysis facility, or the home. If the home is the originating site, then a facility ​fee for the home is not allowed.

Through December 31, 2024, Medicare will allow telehealth services to be provided regardless of where the patient is located, so ​long as the patient is located within the United States. Note, though, the distant site provider is subject to state law licensing ​requirements that typically require a license in the state where the patient is located at the time of service.

Post PHE



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the patient is at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. ​Medicare places geographic and site specific limitation on this. For more information on ​Geographic Requirements click here. Eligible originating sites include:

    • Offices of a Physician or Practitioner
    • Hospitals
    • Critical Access Hospitals
    • Community Mental Health Centers
    • Skilled Nursing Facilities
    • Rural Health Clinics
    • Federally Qualified Health Centers
    • Hospital-Based or Critical Access Hospital-Based Renal Dialysis Centers (including ​satellites)
    • Renal Dialysis Facilities
    • Homes of beneficiaries with End-Stage Renal Disease getting home dialysis
    • Mobile Stroke Units
    • Rural Emergency Hospitals

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology. When used, POS 02 causes a service to be paid at a lower, facility-based rate of payment.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

*Note that for 2024 CMS proposes to pay POS 10 at a non-facility rate, while POS 02 will return to payment at the lower facility rate.

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Through December 31, 2023, practitioners can continue to report the place of service code that would have been reported had the service been furnished in-person. See p. 63 here.

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Reimbursement Rate

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The Originating Site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​code Q3014 is $29.96 for ​2024. Click here for more ​information.



Distant Site

General Information

Eligible Practitioners

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Practitioners at the distant site must be licensed to furnish such service under state law. Additionally, practitioners must go through the credentialing and privileging process for the distantly located institution to be eligible to provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist

A distant site under Medicare means a site where a physician or practitioner is ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications.

A physician or practitioner furnishing a telehealth service to an eligible ​telehealth individual will be paid an amount equal to the amount that such ​practitioner would have been paid had the service been furnished without the ​use of a telecommunications system.

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Through CY 2024, we will continue to permit the distant site practitioner to use their currently enrolled practice location instead of their home address when providing telehealth services from their home.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have ​enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This allows providers to obtain a ​license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related ​requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

Medicare patients will be able to receive services for behavioral health care in their homes in any part of the country because the geographic limitations are waived for behavioral health services. Some behavioral health services included are counseling, psychotherapy, and psychiatric evaluations. The U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services have a best practice guide for behavioral telehealth which can be found here.

The table labeled Covered Services contains codes for Medicare reimbursement for telebehavioral health. Although Medicare reimburses for audio and video telehealth services, reimbursement for audio-only telehealth services are only covered through December 31, 2024. Audio-only technology in situations when your patient can't access or doesn't consent to use audio-video technology.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT codes

Audio-Only Reimbursed

Aphasia and cognitive assessment

96105, 96125


Behavioral screening



Diagnostic evaluation

90791, 90792



90832, 90833, 90834, 90836, 90837, 90838





Group psychotherapy



Family psychotherapy

90846, 90847


Psychological and neurobehavioral testing or status exam

96116, 96121, 96130, 96131, 96132, 96133, 96136, 96137, 96138, 96139


Crisis intervention and interactive complexity

90839, 90840, 90785


Speech-language behavioral analysis



Psychological evaluation

96130, 96131


Neuropsychological evaluation

96132, 96133


Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161


Health behavior intervention, individual

96158, 96159


Health behavior intervention, group

96164, 96165


Health behavior intervention, family with patient

96167, 96168


Developmental screening and testing

96112, 96113


Adaptive behavior assessment

97151, 97152, 0362T


Therapeutic interventions

97129, 97130


Therapeutic interventions (group)



Smoking and tobacco use (counseling)

99406, 99407


Obesity counseling



Screening brief intervention and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446


Opoid use disorder treatment

G2086, G0287, G2088


NON-Covered Services


Telehealth CPT codes

Developmental screening and testing


Health behavior intervention, family without patient

96170, 96171

Psychophysiological therapy



Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the patient ​is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy services ​furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

In-Person Mental Health Visit Requirements

There in-person visit requirements apply only to a patient getting mental health visits via telecommunications at home:

  • there must be an in-person mental health visit 6 months before the telecommunications visit
  • In general, there must be an in-person mental health visit at least every 12 months while the patient is getting services via telecommunications to diagnose, evaluate, r treat mental health disorders

Section 4113 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 delayed the in-person visit requirements under Medicare for Mental health visits that RHC's and FQHC's provide via telecommunications technology until January 1, 2025.


Medicare allows for limited exceptions for an in-person visit every 12 months based on patient circumstances where the risks and burdens of an in-person visit may outweigh the benefit. Such exception must be properly documented in the patient's medical record. Some examples of when risks and burdens may outweigh the benefit include but are not limited to, when:

  • an in-person visit is likely to cause disruption in service delivery or has the potential to worsen the patient's condition
  • the patient getting services is in partial or full remission and only needs maintenance level care
  • the clinician's professional judgment says that the patient is clinically stable and that an in-person visit has the risk of worsening the patient's condition, creating undue hardship on self or family
  • The patient is at risk of withdrawing from care that's been effective in managing the illness

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

Additional Resources



Maternity Care Information

Covered Services



Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99433

Diabetes management


Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point

Additional Resources

Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 effective ​January 1, 2024 for most services. Instead, POS 10 and 02 ​are used. But modifier 95 should be used for telehealth ​services, when the clinician is in the hospital and the ​patient is in the home, as well as for outpatient therapy ​services furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is a way for a patient's health to be monitored without having to come into the office for multiple check ups. Some remote monitoring devices for maternity care may include:

    • Blood pressure monitors
    • Blood glucose testing
    • At home fetal monitors

Note that these services are a quasi-telehealth service. meaning Medicare telehealth requirements (e.g. geographic location) do not apply. However, Medicare may have other payment policies in place for the use of remote physiologic monitoring. These may include:

    • An established patient-physician relationship
    • Consent to receive remote physiologic monitoring services at the time services are furnished
    • Physician and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to furnish evaluation and management services may bill for remote physiologic monitoring services
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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here



Primary Care Information


Audio-video visits: Use modifier 95 ​(Synchronous Telemedicine Service ​Rendered via Real-Time Interactive ​Audio and Video Telecommunication ​System).

Audio-only visits: use new service-​level modifier FQ or 93

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

Covered Services

Additional Resources


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Annual wellness visit

G0438, G0439

Advanced Planning

99497, 99498

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment

G0396, G0397, G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446, G0447

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Opioid use disorder treatment

G2086, G2087, G2088

Alcohol and substance abuse assessment

G0396, G0397

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803, 97804, G0270


90785, 90791, 90792, 90832, 90833, 90834, 9036, 90837, 90838

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Renal Care: Individual and group kidney disease education

G0420, G0421

Renal Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Renal Care: Advanced care planning

99497, 99498

Renal Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Renal Care: Telehealth consultations, critical care

G0508, G0509

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626, G0424

Pulmonary Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Pulmonary Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Pulmonary Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356 99357

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004, 94005

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Transitional care management services

99495, 99496

Cardiac Care: Advance care planning

99497, 99498

Cardiac Care: Prolonged service

99354, 99355, 99356, 99357

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798, G0422, G0423

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97150, 97530, 97535, 97542, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761, G2061, G2062, G2063

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92508, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Dementia Care: Cognitive assessment and care plan services


*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point



Other Services Information

Covered Cancer Care


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Cancer care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cancer Care: Radiation oncology treatment management


Telephone evaluation and management service

99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment

G0444, G0445, G0459

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Health behavior assessment

96156, 96160, 96161

Health behavior intervention

96158, 96159

Covered Emergency Care


Billing and telehealth codes

Emergency department

Evaluation and management: 99281, 99282, 99283, 99284, 99285

Critical care

First hour: 99291

Additional 30 min: 99292

Observation Services

Discharge: 99217

Initial: 99218, 99219, 99220

Subsequent: 99224, 99225, 99226

Observation / discharge on same day: 99234, 99235, 99236

Hospital discharge day management

less than 30 minutes: 99238

30 minutes or more: 99239

E-consults (interprofessional consults)

Verbal and written report: 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449

Written report only: 99451

Remote patient monitoring

99453, 99454 - 16 day minimum monitoring requirement waived during the PHE

99457, 99458, 99091

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Tip: Services provided virtually while the provider and patient are in the same location - for ​instance, over a tablet from different rooms within a hospital - are not billed as telehealth.

Covered HIV Care


Modifier -95 is no longer used per MPFS 2024 ​effective January 1, 2024 for most services. ​Instead, POS 10 and 02 are used. But modifier 95 ​should be used for telehealth services, when the ​clinician is in the hospital and the patient is in the ​home, as well as for outpatient therapy services ​furnished via telehealth by PT, OT, or SLP

Additional Resources

Covered Physical Therapy


Telehealth-eligible CPT codes

Physical therapy evaluations

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164

Therapy procedure using exercise


Neuromuscular reeducation


Therapeutic procedures


Therapeutic activities


Self-care/home management training


Wheelchair management


Functional capacity evaluation


Assistive technology assessment


Orthotic training


Orthotic, prosthetic training



Telehealth CPT and HCPCs Codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Observation care discharge


Initial observation care

99218, 99219, 99220**

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223**

Subsequent observational care

99224, 99225, 99226

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803

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Billing Tip

Doodle Light Bulb Outline

Facilities use UB-04 form.

For more billing tips click here

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

** Will expire at some point




General Billing Tips

There are more than 100 telehealth services covered under Medicare. However some codes are only covered temporarily. Using an incorrect code may delay reimbursement. Stay up to date on the latest Medicare billing codes. Make post-visit documentation as thorough as possible. Take note of whether the patient gave verbal or written consent to conduct a virtual appointment. Only bill for time the provider spent with the patient rather than the time the patient spent with clinical staff. Use telephone codes for audio-only appointments and office codes for audio-visual visits.

Post PHE Billing Policy - FAQs

There have been may temporary waivers during the pandemic for telehealth services. Some waivers wll be permanent but many will no longer be in place after December 31, 2024. For more information please click here.

Requirement Type

Pre-Covid19 PHE Policy

COVID-19 PHE Policy

Patient site/geographic location

Payment available only for care at certain facility types with limited services available for home-based patients. The patient location must be rural or outside a metropolitan statistical area.

No restrictions on geographic location. Patients can be at home or any other setting.


Payment available for around 90 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes

Payment available for about 250 services captured by CPT/HCPCS codes as of February 2023

Telehealth modality

Payment for live video only, except for certain demonstration projects in Alaska and Hawaii

Payment available for live video, with auto-only phone for E/M services, behavioral health counseling, and educational services

Provider Type

Payment available for services furnished by limited list of 9 provider types.

Payment available for all health care professionals who are eligible to bill Medicare for professional services.


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  • Asynchronous (Store and Forward) technologies: the collection of a patient's relevant health information and the subsequent transmission of that information from an originating site to a health care provider at a distant site without the patient being present.

  • Distant site: a site at which a health care provider is located while providing health care services by means of telemedicine.

  • Eligible distant site providers: any licensed health care provider shall be authorized to provide telehealth services if the services provided are within the scope of practice for which the health care provider is licensed and are provided with the same standard of care as services provided in person.

  • Home telemonitoring services: a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related to a participant's health and transmission of data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC)

  • Originating site: a site at which the patient is located at the time health care services are provided by means of telemedicine. For the purposes of asynchronous or store and forward transfer, originating site shall also mean the location at which the health care provider transfers information to the distant site.

  • Telehealth or telemedicine: the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and health care provider is at the distant site. Telehealth or telemedicine shall also include the use of asynchronous store and forward technology.

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Consent Requirements

Practice Tips

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  • Explain to the patient what they can expect from a telehealth visit. This may include, for example, some of the inherent limits of a telehealth visit such as physical examination

  • Discuss privacy concerns. For example: wearing headphones or finding a place to be alone during the visit to ensure privacy. Consider asking at the beginning of the visit if the patient is at a good location to have the session.

  • Ask if anyone is observing the visit. Confirm with the patient they are okay with the observation and document both the consent and who attended the session.

  • If only audio is used, explain why. For example, patient couldn’t connect to video or didn’t want to use video.

Missouri state law does require that: Telehealth providers obtain the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent before telehealth services are initiated and shall document the patient’s or the patient’s guardian’s consent in the patient’s file or chart. See 20 CSR 2150-2.240; 20 CSR 2150-5.100.

Missouri does not necessarily require written consent signed by the patient for telehealth services. Obtaining consent from patients before a telehealth session can include signed paperwork completed before the appointment or verbal consent at the beginning of a telehealth session. Verbal consent is then recorded by the clinician into the patient's health record.

Informed Consent

Informed Consent

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Before providing an initial Telehealth service to a participant, each provider must document written informed consent (which must be retained in the participant's medical record) and ensure that the following information is provided in a format and manner that the participant is able to understand:

  • The participant has the option to refuse the Telehealth service at anytime without affecting the right to future care and treatment
  • Alternatives to the Telehealth services available to the participant
  • The participant has access to the medical information resulting from the Telehealth services (as provided by law)
  • Informed consent is required for the dissemination, storage, or retention of an identifiable participant image or other information from the Telehealth service
  • The participant has the right to be informed of the parties who will be present at the originating and distant site during the Telehealth service and may exclude anyone from either site
  • The participant has the right to object to videotaping or other recording of the service.

Consent Resources

Additional Tips for Behavioral Health

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives additional tips for telebehavioral health. Aside from the best practice tips listed ​above consider doing the following:

  • reassure the patient that information shared during the visit is private
  • for children and adolescents discuss that confidential information will not be shared with their patent or guardian
  • outline the circumstances when information may be shared with a caregiver, associate, or other entity
  • explain what information you do and do not have access to (e.g. the electronic medical record or state prescription drug monitoring ​program)
  • discuss the importance of being in a private and quiet setting for the appointment as well as the use of headphones if necessary to ensure ​privacy
  • obtain confirmation that other members of the household are respecting the patient's privacy



Mode of Delivery

Telehealth and Telemedicine are terms that are used interchangeably in Missouri. These types of services are defined as the delivery of health care services by means of information and communication technologies which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and self management of a patient's health care while such patient is at the originating site and the health care provider is at the distant site. This includes the use of asynchronous store and forward technology. MO HealthNet reimburses for services provided via telemedicine when the service can be performed with the same standard of care as a face to face service.

Prior to the PHR telephone telehealth was not allowed. Previously telehealth services required the use of a two (2)-way interactive video technology. Asynchronous telecommunication systems or store-and-forward systems were not covered technologies. Telehealth was not a telephone conversation, email, or faxed transmission between a healthcare provider and a participant, or a consultation between two healthcare providers. The participant must have been able to see and interact with the off-site provider at the time services are provided, via Telehealth. Services provided via videophone or webcam were not covered.” But during the PHE, the use of telephone for telehealth services was allowed, and quarantined providers and/or providers working from alternate sites or facilities were able to provide and bill for telehealth services. These services should be billed as distant site services using the physician’s and/or clinic provider number. MHD did not require additional CMS flexibility for these options, and they will continue.

Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online


Services provided through telemedicine must meet the standard of care if those services were provided in person. Live video is not defined ​by the state of Missouri. However, Medicare defines live video as a two-way, face to face interaction between a patient and a provider ​using audiovisual communications technology.

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Clean Flat Doctor Giving Prescription Online


Asynchronous store-and-forward shall mean the transfer of a participant's clinically important digital samples, such as still images, videos, ​audio, text files, and relevant data from an originating site through the use of a camera or similar recording device that stores digital ​samples that are forwarded via telecommunication to a distant site for consultation by a consulting provider without requiring the ​simultaneous presence of the participant and the participant's treating provider.

  • Asynchronous store-and-forward technology shall mean cameras or other recording devices that store images which may be ​forwarded via telecommunication devices at a later time.
  • Asynchronous store-and-forward transfer shall mean the collection of a participant’s relevant health information and the subsequent ​transmission of that information from an originating site to a provider at a distant site without the participant being present.
Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online


Clean Flat Patient Consulting a Doctor Online

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of ​data related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed ​conditions and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication ​regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health ​care providers
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Geographic Requirements

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The state of Missouri does not place geographic limitations on telehealth services like Medicare does. Payment for services rendered via telehealth do not depend on any minimum distance requirements between the originating and distant site. Additionally, advanced practice registered nurses providing nursing services under a collaborative practice agreement may provide such services outside normal geographic proximity requirements under RSMo 334.104 if the collaborating physician and advanced practice registered nurse utilize telehealth.



Originating Site

An originating site is the location where the participant is physically located at the time the telehealth encounter occurs. Originating sites include, but are not necessarily limited to health care provider facilities, participant's homes, and schools. For the purposes of asynchronous store-and-forward transfer, the originating site shall also mean the location from which the referring provider transfers information to the distant site. Originating sites are only eligible to receive a facility fee for the Telemedicine service. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located in the originating site facility.

When a participant is located in a residential or inpatient place of service (Place of service codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56, or 61), providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant is physically located. In these instances, providers must not bill with place of service 02.

POS Codes

Place of service (POS) codes impact reimbursement of telehealth claims. The POS code explains where the patient is located during the telehealth encounter. The two POS codes for telehealth are:

  • POS 02: Telehealth provided other than in patient's home. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

  • POS 10: Telehealth provided in patient's home. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

Originating Site Code

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The Originating site ​Facility Fee for HCPCS ​Q3014 is $27.59 for 2024. ​Click here to view the fee ​schedule.

NOTE code Q3014 cannot ​be billed when the ​participant is receiving ​services at home.



Distant Site

A distant site under Medicaid means a site where the health care provider is physically ​located at the time the service is provided via telecommunications. Reimbursement to ​providers at the distant site is equal to the current fee schedule amount for the service ​provided. Use the appropriate CPT code for the service along with the appropriate ​place of service code. The originating site fee and distant site services can be billed by ​the same provider for the same date of service as long as the distant site is not located ​in the originating site facility.

Providers delivering behavioral health services via telemedicine, for participants ​located in a residential or inpatient place of service (POS codes 14, 21, 33, 51, 55, 56 or ​61), must bill with the GT modifier and with the place of service where the participant ​is physically located.

Hospitals may bill a facility fee for distant site services provided in their facilities. The ​distant site service must be reported on the UB04 claim form with the procedure code ​and GT modifier. The physician providing the service will bill for their distant site ​services on the medical claim form.

Distant site services provided on school grounds should be billed with place of service ​03 and a GT modifier. The provider must get consent from the parent or guardian to ​provide telemedicine services. The parent or guardian may authorize services via ​telemedicine for a whole school year.

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Doctor Avatar Illustration

Eligible Practitioners

Any licensed health care provider is authorized ​to provide telemedicine services if those ​services are within the scope of practice for ​which the health care provider is licensed and ​are provided with the same standard of care as ​services provided in person.

To be reimbursed for telemedicine services ​providers treating patients in Missouri must be ​fully licensed to practice in the state of Missouri ​and must be enrolled as a MOHealthNet ​provider prior to rendering services.

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To ease the burden for providers to be licensed in multiple states, many states have enacted legislation to create interstate compacts. This ​allows providers to obtain a license in another state a bit easier. Missouri is part of several licensure compacts:

*See Compact websites for implementation, license issuing status and other related requirements.



Behavioral Health Information

A health care entity may reimburse nonclinical staff for services otherwise allowed by law. This includes applied behavior analysis services ​rendered by a registered behavior technician under the supervision of a licensed behavior analyst or licensed psychologist or any individual ​provider delivering services within a Department of Mental Health (DMH) licensed, contracted, and/or certified organization (13 CSR 70-3.330(2)​(A). To be reimbursed for telemedicine services, health care providers treating patients in this state via telemedicine must be fully licensed to ​practice in this state and be enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider prior to rendering services.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the ​payment process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which ​exist for the service when not provided through Telemedicine.

Psychologists licensed in a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) state may render telemedicine services under the Authority to ​Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology, according to the requirements in the PSYPACT.

Specialty Modifiers

Claims must be submitted using the appropriate modifier(s). The specialty modifier is ​always required.

Provider Manuals

Provider Manuals




Psychologist (Do not use AH modifier with ABA codes), PLP


Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Master Social Worker


Psychology Intern


Licensed Professional Counselor, PLPC


Licensed Marital and Family Therapist, PLMFT


PCNS, PMHNP (not needed for TMS services)

The following modifiers are required when appropriate:




in home (12). The U8 modifier is not appropriate when billing 90849 or 90853, regardless of POS.


Catastrophe/Disaster Related. The CR modifier is used to track services provided to patients identified as a catastrophe/disaster victims in any part of the country. This modifier is used in addition to any other required modifiers. There is no additional reimbursement associated with the use of this modifier.


used when billing School Based IEP Behavioral Health services (see Section 13.15 in the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

The appropriate NCCI modifier should be used when appropriate. (see Section 13.17 n the Behavioral Health Services Manual)

Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Prohibited Telemedicine servces

The following services are not to be delivered via ​telemedicine:

  • Intensive community psychiatric rehabilitation (ICPR)
    • H0037 TG HB –Intensive CPR (Adult Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 TG HA –Intensive CPR (Children’s Inpatient ​Diversion)
    • H0037 –Intensive CPR: CPR
    • H0037 HK –Intensive CPR Residential –Clustered ​Apartments
    • H0037 TF –Intensive CPR Residential –IRTS
    • H0037 TG –Intensive CPR Residential –PISL
  • Modified medical withdrawal ​management/detoxification
    • 13000 –Implementation/Maintenance
    • H0012 –Alcohol and/or drug services
    • H0011 –Detoxification (Medically Monitored ​Inpatient)
  • Social Setting Detoxification
    • H0010 –Detoxification (Social Setting)
  • Residential Substance Use Services
    • Residential services shall be delivered in person.

Audio Only

Audio-only is real-time, interactive voice only discussion ​between an individual and provider. Audio-only services ​ensure continuity of care when extenuating ​circumstances arise and prevent individuals from ​participating in services at the program or other ​predetermined location in the community. Use of audio-​only services for an extenuating circumstance must be ​documented. If there are not extenuating circumstances, ​there must be clinical justification and documentation in ​the individual treatment plan for the use of audio-only ​services. Audio-only services may be appropriate for ​individuals who do not consent to or do not have access ​to sufficient bandwidth and/or technology to support the ​use of two-way audio-video. This must be documented ​in the individual record.

Documentation must indicate the method in which the ​service was delivered, and must meet all other ​DMH/Medicaid documentation requirements. Program ​specific guidance may be issued regarding audio-only ​services.



Maternity Care Information

Maternity Care

In Missouri, MOHealthNet provides coverage for qualifying pregnant women and newborns under a Managed Care Program. Click here for more ​information regarding MO HealthNet Managed Care Program.

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are furnished, ​before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet Division or its ​authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment process. A service ​provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service when not provided ​through Telemedicine.

Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

Provider Manuals

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, ​including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before ​providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers ​shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were ​licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 MO ​HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services

Maternity Services

A broad range of pregnancy related services can be offered through telemedicine. Below is a list of potential uses for telehealth.

  • Mental Health Care
  • Online Communication with Providers
  • Virtual prenatal care visits
  • At home monitoring: weight, blood pressure, fetal heart rate. blood sugar, etc.
  • Consultation with specialists: maternal-fetal medicine, genetic counselors
  • Lactation support
  • Virtual postpartum visits


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Initial hospital care

99221, 99222, 99223

Subsequent hospital care

99231, 99232, 99233

Telephone evaluation and monitoring service

99441, 99442, 99443

Diabetes management


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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers



Primary Care Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 ​MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.

Covered Services


Telehealth CPT and HCPCS codes

Telephone evaluation and management service

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up

99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215

Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management


Diabetes self-management training

G0108, G0109

Medical nutrition therapy

97802, 97803


90791, 90832, 90834, 90837

Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services

90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962

Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days

99231, 99232, 99233

Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation

94625, 94626

Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management

94002, 94003, 94004

Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler


Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab

93793, 93798

Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation


Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Physical Therapy Services

97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97530, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761

Occupation Therapy Services

97165, 97166, 97167, 97168

Speech Therapy

92507, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526

Aphasia Assessment


Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443

Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management

99441, 99442, 99443



Other Services Information

General Info

Provider Manuals

All services are subject to utilization review for medical necessity and ​program compliance. Reviews can be performed before services are ​furnished, before payment is made, or after payment is made. Certain ​procedures or services can require pre-certification from the MO HealthNet ​Division or its authorized agents. Services for which a pre-certification was ​obtained remain subject to utilization review at any point in the payment ​process. A service provided through Telemedicine is subject to the same pre-​certification and utilization review requirements which exist for the service ​when not provided through Telemedicine.

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (a.k.a. home telemonitoring services) means a health care service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data ​related to a participant's health and transmission of the data to a health call center accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation ​Commission (URAC). Theses services are only available to individuals who have been diagnosed with at least one of the below listed conditions ​and exhibit at least two of the risk factors listed below.


  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Hypertension
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Asthma
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Stroke

Risk Factors:

  • Two or more hospitalizations in the prior twelve-month period
  • Frequent or recurrent emergency department admissions
  • A documented history of poor adherence to ordered medication regimens
  • A documented history of falls in the prior six-month period
  • Limited or absent informal support systems
  • Living alone or being home alone for extended periods of time
  • A documented history of care access challenges
  • A documented history of consistently missed appointments with health care providers
Warning Symbol Illustration

PHE Flexibility Changes

During the Public Health Emergency MHD waived some requirements, including:

  • Physicians must have an established relationship with the patient before providing services via telehealth, per RSMo 191.1146.
  • In order to treat patients in Missouri with telehealth, health care providers shall be fully licensed to practice in Missouri.

The flexibility allowed providers to treat patients in Missouri if they were licensed in the state in which they practice. Effective May 12, 2023 ​MO HealthNet will discontinue the two flexibilities above.




MO HealthNet Requirements

All billing requirements to perform and bill services in person apply to telemedicine services. This includes prior authorizations, pre-certifications, and consent forms. See the MO HealthNet online Fee Schedule here.

Services on or after July 1, 2022 must follow CMS National Correct Coding Initiative Medically Unlikely Edits.


A health care provider is required to keep a complete medical record of a Telemedicine service provided to a participant and follow applicable state and federal statutes and regulations for medical record keeping and confidentiality in accordance with 13 CSR 70-3.030.

Provider-Patient Relationship

For purposes of the provision of telemedicine services in the MO HealthNet Program, the provider-patient relationship may be established by the following:

  1. An in-person encounter through a medical interview and physical examination;
  2. Consultation with another health care professional, or that health care professional’s delegate, who has an established relationship with the patient and an agreement with the health care professional to participate in the patient’s care; or
  3. A telemedicine encounter, if the standard of care does not require an in-person encounter, and in accordance with evidence-based standards of practice and telemedicine practice guidelines that address the clinical and technological aspects of telemedicine.

In order to establish a provider-patient relationship through telemedicine—

  1. The technology utilized shall be sufficient to establish an informed diagnosis as though the medical interview and physical examination had been performed in person; and
  2. Prior to providing treatment, including issuing prescriptions and physician certifications under Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, a physician who uses telemedicine shall interview the patient, collect or review relevant medical history, and perform an examination sufficient for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. A questionnaire completed by the patient, whether via the telephone or internet, does not constitute a medical interview and examination for provision of treatment via telemedicine.

In-Person Requirements post PHE

Individuals who have only received telemedicine and/or audio-only services must receive an in person service within 6 months of their last service. After the initial 6-month in-person visit, all individuals must be seen in person, at minimum, once every 12 months. All new individuals being served via telemedicine and/or audio-only require an in-person service within 6 months of beginning services and then every 12 months following.


Reimbursement for telehealth services is the same rate as if the service was rendered in person. See the current fee schedule here.

COVID-19 DME: Prescription Signature

During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), MO HealthNet (MHD) allowed prescriptions to be accepted by telephone from the MHD enrolled ordering/prescribing physician or staff member.

Helpful Links

Fee Schedules - Missouri Department of Social Services

Modifier List - Missouri Department of Social Services

Telemedicine Information - Missouri Department of Social Services

Medicaid Reimbursement - Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP)

Code of State Regulations - Missouri Secretary of State


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Private Payor

Private Payor



Asynchronous ​Telecommunication

Telecommunication systems that “store” medical information such as diagnostic ​images or video and “forward” it from one site to another for the physician or health ​care practitioner to view in the future at a site different from the patient. This is a non-​interactive telecommunication because the physician or health care practitioner views ​the medical information without the patient being present.

Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via Telephone or Other Real-Time Interactive Audio-Only Telecommunications System

Real-time interactive audio-only/telephone communication service between a ​physician or other qualified health care professional and a patient who is located away ​at a distant site from the physician or other qualified health care professional. The ​totality of the communication of information exchanged between the physician or ​other qualified health care professional and the patient during the course of the audio-​only synchronous telemedicine service must be of an amount and nature that is ​sufficient to meet the key components and/or requirements of the same service when ​rendered via an in-person interaction.

Synchronous Interactive Audio and Video Telecommunication, Interactive Audio and Visual Transmissions and Audio-Visual Communication Technology

Real-time interactive video teleconferencing that involves communication between the ​patient and a distant physician or health care practitioner who is performing the ​medical service. The physician or health care practitioner sees the patient throughout ​the communication, so that two-way communication (sight and sound) can take place. ​The totality of the communication of information exchanged between the physician or ​other qualified health care professional and the patient during the course of the audio-​video synchronous telemedicine service must be of an amount and nature that is ​sufficient to meet the key components and/or requirements of the same service when ​rendered via an in-person interaction.


Telehealth is broader than telemedicine and takes in all health care services that are ​provided via live, interactive audio and visual transmissions of a physician-patient ​encounter. These health care services include non-clinical services, such as provider ​training, administrative meetings and continuing medical education, in addition to ​clinical services. Telehealth may be provided via real-time telecommunications or ​transmitted by store-and-forward technology.


Telemedicine services involve the delivery of clinical medicine via real-time ​telecommunications such as telephone, the internet, or other communications ​networks or devices that do not involve in person direct patient contact.


Telehealth Transmission Fees - HCPCS codes Q3014 and T1014 - Charges ​for telehealth services or transmission fees aren’t eligible for payment ​because these services are incidental to the charges associated with the ​evaluation and management of the patient.

Direct Patient Contact - unless listed as a covered service, medical services ​that do not include direct in-person contact are not payable. We consider ​services with no direct patient contact incidental to the overall episode of ​care for the member

Telehealth for Medicare Advantage - Medicare Advantage members may be ​eligible for telemedicine services in accordance with CMS regulations.

Care Plan Oversight - Not eligible for payment. Aetna does not pay for time ​without direct patient contact.

Missed Appointments - missed appointments are not covered because no ​direct or indirect medical care was rendered to the patient. Charges due to a ​missed appointment are the responsibility of the member.

Helpful Resources

  • Update to the Telehealth Place of Service ​Code (CLICK HERE)

  • Clinical Policy Bulletin search relating to ​telehealth (CLICK HERE)


Audio-Visual Modifiers

  • GT: Via interactive audio and video ​telecommunication systems
  • 95: Synchronous Telemedicine Service ​Rendered Via a Real-Time Interactive Audio ​and Video Telecommunications System
  • FR: The supervising practitioner was present ​through two-way, audio/video ​communication technology

Audio-Only Modifiers

  • 93: Synchronous Telemedicine Service ​Rendered Via Telephone or Other Real-Time ​Interactive Audio-Only Telecommunications ​System
  • FQ: The service was furnished using audio-​only communication technology

Asynchronous Modifier

  • GQ: Via asynchronous telecommunications ​system

Tele-Stroke Services

  • G0: Tele-stroke services paid when appended ​with modifier G0 (telehealth services for ​diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment, of ​symptoms of an acute stroke)

Remote Patient Monitoring Codes ​Eligible for Reimbursement











Private Payor

Blue KC

Blue KC follows CMS list of approved telehealth services. ​Providers must use an interactive audio and video ​telecommunication system that permits real-time ​communication between the provider at the distant site, and ​the beneficiary at the originating site.


Documentation requirements for a telehealth service are the same as for ​a face-to-face encounter.

The information of the visit, the history, review of systems, consultative ​notes or any information used to make a medical decision about the ​patient should be documented.

Best practice suggests that documentation should also include a ​statement that the service was provided through telehealth, both the ​location of the patient and the provider and the names of any other ​persons participating in the telehealth service.


Distant Site


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Doctor Avatar Illustration

Practitioners at the distant site must be licensed ​to furnish such service under state law. ​Additionally, practitioners must go through the ​credentialing and privileging process for the ​distantly located institution to be eligible to ​provide the service. Eligible practitioners include:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition professionals
  • certified registered nurse anesthetist
  • 95 Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via a Real Time ​Interactive Audio and Video Telecommunications System

  • G0 (zero) Telehealth services for diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment ​of symptoms of an acute stroke

  • GT Via interactive audio and video telecommunication systems

  • GQ Via asynchronous telecommunications system

Originating Site ​and​ POS codes

The originating site is the location where ​the patient is located and receives medical ​services through a telecommunications ​system.

Use of telehealth place of service (POS) ​codes 02 (telehealth provided other than in ​patient’s home) and 10 (telehealth provided ​in patient’s home) certifies that the service ​meets the telehealth requirements.

HCPCS code Q3014 is separately ​reimbursed for Medicare Advantage ​Subscribers but not for all other lines of ​business.


Remote Patient Monitoring

Blue KC will provide coverage for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) when it is medically necessary.

Medical necessity exists when all of the following are met:

  • AN individual has been diagnosed with one of the following conditions AND has suboptimal medical control:
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Heart Failure
    • Hypertension
  • There is an order written by a physician or qualified health professional (QHP) that specifies the medical condition and the ​length of time for RPM, up to 90 days; AND
  • RPM involves an FDA-recognized medical device that directly measures member physiologic data (for example, ​sphygmomanometer, pulse oximeter, heart rate monitor, glucometer, thermometer, weight scale, respiratory flow rate ​monitor) used to develop and manage a treatment plan related to a chronic and/or acute health illness or condition; AND
  • RPM is clinically appropriate, in terms of type, quantity, frequency, extent, site and duration and is considered appropriate for ​the individual’s illness, injury or disease and in accordance with generally accepted standards of medical practice*; AND
  • RPM data is being assessed to detect acute changes in clinical status and prompt intervention; AND
  • RPM is not primarily for the convenience of the individual, physician, caregiver, or other health care provider; AND
  • The individual is at risk of clinically significant changes in medical status which warrant enhanced monitoring based on current ​status and instability of the underlying clinical condition; AND
  • The individual is unable to access regularly scheduled outpatient clinical care or physiological monitoring is required between ​visits due to potential changes in medical status; AND
  • Monitoring is reasonably likely to prevent avoidable deterioration in the clinical condition and/or other adverse events ​relating to the underlying clinical condition.

*Generally accepted standards of medical practice mean standards that are based on credible scientific evidence published in ​peer-reviewed medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical community, physician specialty society ​recommendations and the views of physicians practicing in relevant clinical settings

Private Payor

Blue Cross Blue Shield - Anthem


Distant Site​

The site where the physician or practitioner, providing the professional service, is ​located at the time the service is provided via a telecommunications system.

Originating ​Site

The location of the member at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system.

Remote Patient ​Monitori​ng

Treatment management services provided by medical professionals to manage a ​patient under a specific treatment plan via live interactive communication or store and ​forward through a medical device defined by the FDA, and ordered by a physician, or ​through other qualified health care professional.

Store and Forward

The transmission of a member’s medical information from an originating site to the ​physician or practitioner at the distant site. The physician or practitioner at the distant ​site can review the medical case without the member being present.

Telehealth/ Telemedic​in​e

The use of interactive telecommunications equipment that includes, at a minimum, ​audio and video equipment permitting two-way, real time interactive communication ​between the patient, and the physician or practitioner at the distant site.

Virtual Visits

Technology based services which include:

  • Telehealth/ Telemedicine services
  • e-visits
  • virtual check-ins
  • telephone visits
  • remote patient monitoring

Reimbursable ​Servi​ces

The Health Plan allows for virtual visits ​rendered at the distant site by ​PROFESSIONAL PROVIDERS rendered ​through a secure and private connection. ​Virtual visits billed by a professional ​provider are eligible for non-office place of ​service reimbursement. Professional claims ​must be submitted with the below criteria:

Audio and Visual

  • Place of service 02 or 10 to indicate ​Telehealth place of service
  • The appropriate CPT/HCPCS code
  • The applicable Telehealth/ Telemedicine ​modifier indicated in the Related Coding ​section.


  • Place of service 02 or 10 to indicate ​Telehealth place of service
  • The appropriate CPT/HCPCS code in ​CPT Appendix T or codes by definition
  • Modifier 93 or FQ


when member to provider communication:

  • Place of service 02 or 10 to indicate ​Telehealth place of service
  • The appropriate CPT/HCPCS code
  • Modifier GQ

Store and Forward

when provider to provider communication:

  • Place of service appropriate to the ​location of the billing provider
  • the appropriate interprofessional ​CPT/HCPCS code
  • Modifier GQ

Remote Patient Monitoring

  • Place of service appropriate to the ​location of the billing provider
  • The appropriate CPT/HCPCS code


Code/ ​Modifier




Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via Telephone ​or Other Real-Time Interactive Audio-Only ​Telecommunications System

Required To Identify audio-only services.


Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via a Real-​Time Interactive Audio and Video Telecommunications ​System

Required when no telehealth specific code has been reported


The service was furnished using audio-only communication ​technology

Applies to audio-only Behavioral Health Services


Via asynchronous telecommunications system

Required when no telehealth/telemedicine specific code has ​reported


Via interactive audio and video telecommunication systems

Required when no telehealth/telemedicine specific code has been ​reported


Telehealth originating site facility fee

Facility providers only. Member must be physically present in the ​originating facility

Helpful Resources

  • Virtual Visits - Professional and Facility Commercial Reimbursement Policy (CLICK HERE)
  • Remote Therapeutic and Physiologic Monitoring Services Clinical UM Guideline (CLICK HERE)
  • Allowed Virtual Services (Telehealth/Telemedicine) *note this resource may not be the most ​up to date - (CLICK HERE)

NON-​Reimbursable ​Services

  • Non-direct member services other than Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Services that require equipment and/or direct physical hands on care that cannot be ​provided remotely
  • Services rendered virtually that are not eligible for reimbursement when rendered to the ​member in-person
  • PT/OT/ST services provided without live audio and visual communication
  • Facility virtual visits via live audio-video for services that are not Behavioral Health
  • Facility virtual visits via audio only

Note in person services not rendered in an office or facility setting are not eligible for virtual ​reimbursement under this policy

Remote Patient Monitoring Codes ​Eligible for Reimbursement











Private Payor


Coverage ​Requireme​nts

Cigna reimburses virtual care under Commercial benefit plans when ALL of the ​following are met:

  1. Modifier 93, 95, FQ, GQ, or GT is appended to the appropriate CPT/HCPCS ​procedure code(s);
  2. Place of service 02 is billed on CMS 1500 claim forms or their electronic ​equivalent;
  3. Services must be interactive and use both audio and video internet-based ​technologies (synchronous communication), and would be reimbursed if the ​service was provided face-to-face;
    • Note: services rendered vie telephone only are considered interactive ​and will be reimbursed when the appropriate telephone only code is ​billed
  4. The customer and/or actively involved caregiver must be present on the ​receiving end and the service must occur in real time;
  5. All technology used must be secure and meet or exceed federal and state ​privacy requirements;
  6. A permanent record of online communications relevant to the ongoing ​medical care and follow-up of the customer is maintained as part of the ​customer’s medical record as if the service were provided as an in-office ​visit;
  7. The permanent record must include documentation which identifies the ​virtual service delivery method. i.e.: audio/video or telephone only;
  8. All services provided are medically appropriate and necessary;
  9. The evaluation and management (E/M) services provided virtually and ​billed on a CMS 1500 claim form or its electronic equivalent must meet E/M ​criteria as defined in the 1997 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ​(CMS) Documentation guidelines for codes outside of the 99202 through ​99215 range and the 2021 CPT® E/M documentation guidelines outlined by ​the American Medical Association for codes within the range 99202 ​through 99215;
  10. The customer’s clinical condition is of low to moderate complexity, and ​while it may be an urgent encounter, it should not be an emergent clinical ​condition;
  11. Virtual care services must be provided by a health care professional who is ​licensed, registered, or otherwise acting within the scope of his/her ​licensure.

Cigna DOES NOT reimburse medical virtual care services if any of the above ​are not met OR for any of the following reasons:

  1. The virtual care service occurs on the same day as a face-to-face visit, when ​performed by the same provider and for the same condition.
  2. Transmission of digitalized data is considered integral to the procedure ​performed and is not separately reimbursable.
  3. Virtual care services billed within the post-operative period of a previously ​completed major or minor surgical procedure will be considered part of the ​global payment for the procedure and not reimbursed separately.
  4. Services were performed via asynchronous communications systems (e.g., ​fax).
    • Note: services rendered via telephone only are considered interactive ​and will be reimbursed when the appropriate telephone-only code is ​billed.
  5. Store and forward telecommunication [transferring data from one site to ​another using a camera or similar device that records (stores) an image that ​is sent (forwarded) via telecommunication to another site for consultation] ​whether an appropriate virtual care modifier is appended to the procedure ​code or not.
  6. Customer communications are incidental to E/M services, counseling, or ​medical services included in this policy, including, but not limited to ​reporting of test results and provision of educational materials.
  7. Administrative matters, including but not limited to, scheduling, registration, ​updating billing information, reminders, requests for medication refills or ​referrals, ordering of diagnostic studies, and medical history intake ​completed by the patient.
  8. Any CPT or HCPCS code that is not listed in the eligible code sections of ​this policy if billed with modifier 93, 95, FQ, GQ or GT.
  9. No reimbursement will be made for the originating site of service fee or ​facility fee (HCPCS codes G2025, Q3014, T1014).
  10. No reimbursement will be made for any equipment used for virtual care ​communications.

Note: Do not bill place of service 10 or virtual modifiers other than 93, 95, FQ, ​GQ, or GT until further notice for medical services

This policy does not apply to virtual care when accessed through an ​intermediary vendor or when there is an applicable superseding state mandate

Cigna defines virtual care as the use of medical ​information exchanged from one site to another ​via electronic communications to improve a ​customer’s clinical health status.

Virtual care includes a variety of applications and ​services. The terms virtual care, telemedicine, ​and telehealth are often used interchangeable ​but virtual care may be used to include a broader ​range of services like videoconferencing, remote ​monitoring, online medical evaluations, and ​transmission of still images.

Cigna’s policy refers to virtual care as only ​synchronous services provided through ​interactive audio and video internet-based ​systems or telephone only communications.

Cigna does not reimburse for asynchronous ​communications. Asynchronous communications ​occur when medical information is stored and ​forwarded to be reviewed later by a physician or ​other health care provider at a distant site. The ​medical information is reviewed without the ​patient being present. Asynchronous ​communications may also be referred to as ​store-and-forward or non-interactive ​communications.

Cigna also notes that face to face visits are the ​preferred method of delivering care for patients ​who have an emergent condition or whose ​condition would otherwise warrant an in-person ​office visit.


  • 93 Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered ​Via Telephone or Other Real-Time Interactive ​Audio-Only Telecommunications System

  • 95 Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered ​Via a Real Time Interactive Audio and Video ​Telecommunications System

  • FQ Service was furnished using audio-only ​communication technology

  • G0 (zero) Telehealth services for diagnosis, ​evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of an acute ​stroke

  • GT Via interactive audio and video ​telecommunication systems (should be reported ​with the applicable procedure code when ​performing a service virtually to indicate the type ​of technology used and to differentiate a virtual ​care encounter from an encounter when the ​physician and patient are at the same site.)

  • GQ Via asynchronous telecommunications system

Helpful Resources

  • Virtual Care Reimbursement Policy- (CLICK ​HERE)
  • Remote Physiological Monitoring and Remote ​Therapeutic Monitoring Medical Coverage ​Policy - (CLICK HERE)
  • Virtual Care FAQ Article (CLICK HERE)

Remote Patient Monitoring

Coverage for remote patient monitoring varies across plans and benefits. Generally, however, the following applies:

Remote Physiological Monitoring (codes 99091, 99453, 99454, 99457, 99458, G0322) - is considered medically necessary for ​ANY of the following indications:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Heart Failure

when ALL of the following criteria are met for the technology in question:

  • Prescribed and administered by a board-eligible or board-certified medical provider or subspecialist
  • physiologic data are electronically collected and automatically uploaded for analysis and interpretation
  • intended for the purpose of displaying or analyzing the physiological parameter(s) measured by the device
  • used for remote communication, counseling and monitoring of acute or chronic health conditions

Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring (codes 99473, 99474) - is considered medically necessary for the following indication:

  • Hypertension

when ALL the following criteria are met for the technology in question:

  • Prescribed and administered by a board-eligible or board-certified medical provider or subspecialist
  • physiologic data are electronically collected and automatically uploaded for analysis and interpretation
  • intended for the purpose of displaying or analyzing the physiological parameter(s) measured by the device
  • used for remote communication, counseling and monitoring of acute or chronic health conditions

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (codes 98975, 98976, 98977, 98978, 98980, 98981) is not covered or reimbursable for ANY ​indication.

Private Payor



Communication ​Technology-Based ​Servi​ces

Services furnished via telecommunications technology and considered under virtual ​care but not considered Telehealth services.

Distant Site​

The location of a physician or other qualified health care professional at the time the ​service being furnished via a telecommunications system occurs.

Electronic V​isit

Communication between a patient and provider through an online patient portal.

Originating Site​

The location of a patient at the time the service being furnished via a ​telecommunications system occurs.

Remote Physiologic ​Mon​itoring

Collecting of vitals and physiologic information by the patient that is then sent to the ​health care professional for interpretation and monitoring of the data.

Telehealth/ ​Telemedicine​

Telehealth services are live, interactive audio and visual transmissions of a physician-​patient encounter from one site to another using telecommunications technology. ​They may include transmissions of real-time telecommunications or those transmitted ​by store-and-forward technology.

Virtual Check-In

A brief check-in with the provider with an established patient-provider relationship.

United defines virtual health to ​encompass all synchronous, ​asynchronous and remote physiologic ​monitoring care between health care ​professionals and patients. This includes ​telehealth / telemedicine, ​communication technology-based ​services, e-visits, virtual check-ins, and ​interprofessional telephone / internet / ​electronic health record consultations.

United consider reimbursement for ​Telehealth services the following ​services when they are rendered via ​audio and video AND reported with ​place of service code 02 or 10.

  • Services recognized by CMS;
  • Services recognized by the American ​Medical Association included in ​Appendix P of the CPT code set; ​AND
  • additional services identified by ​UnitedHealthcare

Note that modifiers 95, GT, GQ and G0 ​are not required to identify Telehealth ​services but are accepted as ​informational if reported on claims with ​eligible Telehealth services.

Helpful Resources

  • Telehealth/Virtual Health Policy - ​(CLICK HERE)
  • Telehealth Eligible Services Code List - ​(CLICK HERE)
  • PT/OT/ST Telehealth Eligible Services ​Code List - (CLICK HERE)
  • Communication Technology-Based ​Services and Remote Physiologic ​Monitoring Eligible Code List - (CLICK ​HERE)
  • Telehealth Audio Only Code List - ​(CLICK HERE)
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Eligible ​Practitioner​s

Doctor Avatar Illustration

Based on CMS, the following ​practitioners are eligible to deliver ​Telehealth services:

  • physicians
  • nurse practitioners
  • physician assistants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • nurse-midwives
  • clinical psychologists
  • clinical social workers
  • registered dietitians or nutrition ​professionals
  • certified registered nurse ​anesthetist

United also considered Therapy ​providers like Physical Therapists, ​Occupational Therapists, and Speech ​Therapists as eligible to deliver ​certain Telehealth services when the ​qualified health professional renders ​the service via interactive audio and ​video technology.

Audio-Onl​y Telehealth

United will consider reimbursement for the ​services included in Appendix T of the CPT ​set, when appended with modifier 93, and ​reported with place of service code 02 or 10.

Or​iginating Site Requirements

The originating site is where the patient is housed with a telepresenter during a ​telehealth encounter. United recognizes the CMS-designated originating sites ​considered eligible for furnishing telehealth services to a patient located in an ​originating site.

Originating site services may be reported using HCPCS code Q3014 on either a ​professional (CMS-1500) or facility (UB-04) claim form when a telepresenter is ​present at an originating site location other than the patient’s home.

Q3014 is NOT reimbursable when the Distant Site claim is reported with a POS ​10. Telehealth place of service codes 02 and 10 do not apply to originating site ​facilities reporting code Q3014 and should not be reported by an Originating ​Site. When code Q3014 is reported by the Originating Site, the Originating Site ​should report the valid place of service code reflecting the location of the ​patient.

Examples of CMS approved Originating Sites:

  • The office of a physician or practitioner
  • A hospital (inpatient or outpatient)
  • A critical access hospital (CAH)
  • A rural health clinic (RHC)
  • A federally qualified health center (FQHC)
  • A hospital-based or critical access hospital-based renal dialysis center ​(including satellites); NOTE: Independent renal dialysis facilities are not ​eligible Originating Sites
  • A skilled nursing facility (SNF)
  • A community mental health center (CMHC)
  • Mobile Stroke Unit
  • Patient home – for monthly end stage renal, ESRD-related clinical ​assessments, for purposes of treatment of a substance use disorder or a co-​occurring mental health disorder